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Open The Rhythm Era- Elite Beat Agents


Wobbefet always wins!
This is my first RP so go easy, I wanted to do something light-hearted.

It is a dark, dark time.

9th January- A Dark cloud forms over the world.

11th January-The United Nations fall against the new threat from the sky. Creatures appear out of the sky, featureless creatures with blank faces. As a last resort Commander Khan sends out his top rank agents onto the frontline, their attempt? A failure. Just when the end seemed nigh a new team of Agents arose from their mysterious origins. The Perfect Rhythm Emissionary. With their new skills they stunned the citizens of the city and encouraged them to take on the first fleet of invaders.

12th January- The invaders retreat from the scene.

13th January- The power of the Elite Beat Agents is questioned and the Perfect Rhythm Emissionaries are hired.

Commander Khan realises that the attack fleet were just the first in a line of invaders. He gathers his best agents and takes to the front line without the help of the government. With the shadowy new Rhythm Emissionaries now working with the government, the Elite Beat Agents face the biggest crisis of their time....

Open spaces:

Commander Khan: Taken for plot
Agent "Spin":
Agent "J" :
Agent Afro:
Commissioner Smith:
Commissioner Yates:
Corporal "C" :
Corporal "Proto":

(Agents are the dancers)
(Commissioners are the people who set up the mission and sometimes help)
(Corporals are top-rank agents who get power but not as much action.)

Sign-Up form: [EXAMPLE]

Name: Khan
Position: Commander
Rank:(if commissioner or Corporal) ********** -10 (10 star rank) the higher rank you are the more power you have but less action
Personality: Commanding, hard to satisfy, big ambitions.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes; Milkshake, His badges and honours. His power and his moustache. Dislikes;People who get the better of him
Hair: Grey, short.
Why he joing the EBA : He lived for the beat and likes the badges.

1.) No flaming/Spamming
2.) No godmodding
3.) All the normal RP Ettiquette.
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Oooh. I like EBA. This is uniqi
ue, i'm a bit slow at fast moving RPGs but i'll sign up.
I'll take Agent Hiro.

Name: Hiro
Position: Agent
Rank:*******-7 Stars
Personality:Important, likes to be around others, show-off, great at parties.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes; Beer, Jazz and Rap, Chocolate.
Dislikes;Boring, generic people.
Hair: Big, fluffy, Pure brown.
Why he joing the EBA :Great at karaoke and was hired by the EBA.
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