• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

um hi?


New member
I happened to find this out of boredom. I was at another ASB website and was a ref and a killer machine but I guess everyone got bored with it and its basically been a waste land for the last month so guess I have to start somewhere else. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope to eventually become a ref here. Hoping my account will be activated soon so I can start. Oh I'm Eishiba. :)
Greetings, Eishiba. Yes, I know who you are. Rest assured there is no danger in knowing me. I am Dialga. The Dialga actually. I hope you find your stay here....comfortable. Rawr!!
Well Mr. Dialga, I always prefered you over Palkia. Does someone have to activate my account for me to start? How do you get signed up for the league? I didn't see a "sign up" page or anything and I don't see anywhere in the control panel to start getting my new pokemon. By the way, I like Primeape the best. :)

Negrek's the head referee, so she handles basically everything. I'm Blastoise, I'm a referee here. (I also own the berry shop) You might have to wait a little while to be a referee since we're overhauling that bit right now. Other than that, though, I feel confident in telling you that this is the best ASB on the internet.

Welcome, by the way!
Wow, hey, you did follow me from pe2k. Welcome to TCoD! We have a pretty kick ass ASB! (if we all survive.)
Wow I indeed thank you for helping me. I'd love to battle you sometime. Here or the other site. At the other place its slower but I have more stuff lol.
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