- Pronoun
- they or she
Howdy one and all, and welcome to Heartache. This is a group RPG campaign set in an original Pokémon Mystery Dungeon setting, that will last around a year and a half from the beginning of signups to the final chapter’s end. It is in some ways a successor to Blacklight Eternal in that it's a PMD-themed campaign with a huge cast of characters, a fanfic writing/reviewing wordcrawl, and (optional) co-op turn-based battles with deep tactical mechanics. Players can RP among themselves, pursue the central plot, fight in turn-based combat, participate in the wordcrawl, or whatever they're most interested in.
Your characters will answer a plea for aid from a mysterious voice in their dreams, and be transported to a Science-Fantasy, Wild West, PMD world... as an unevolved Pokémon. Your character should be the type with the courage to make a difference in an unforgiving land. This is a world of harsh frontiers, complex problems, and looming threats, but full of opportunities to make things better.
Narratively, Heartache's major themes include being out of place or alone, persevering through hardship and failure, hard moral choices in difficult circumstances, sacrifice, yearning, and defiance in the face of darkness. Tough times can be endured and hard hearts can be won over – the world might be rough around the edges, but heroes can bring light to it.
How does this all work?
Heartache is divided into 12 chapters, each lasting approximately six weeks. During most of the chapter, your characters will be free to explore different locations as they become available during the story. Whether you prefer to forge bonds with other player characters or with NPCs, uncover information about the plot and setting, or simply explore how your character responds to situations they’d never encounter in their own story – there are many ways to engage with the world of Heartache.
In other words, it’s basically a big group RP on a schedule! Near the end of each chapter, the GM will start arranging for a large, plot-relevant scene to move the story forward and get everyone ready to confront a major threat in the story. But until then, you’re free to explore and interact as you like.
Mechanically, battles will be missions for squads of 3-6 players, and take place over hours or days to allow everyone to participate from different timezones. Combat is based on Pokémon and PMD but with many extra features drawn from other strategy games. Winning fights won't be hard, but getting ideal results is a real challenge. Any kind of character is viable, and roleplay is more important than minmaxing an invincible fighter.
That’s right! Heartache features a homebrew combat system based on mainline Pokémon mechanics, with some splashes of PMD and PLA. It’s heavily derived from the combat system that was featured in Blacklight Eternal, with some updates and additions from the Dodran Phantasms campaign over on PMD United. But of course, familiarity with those games is not needed to play.
There are three levels of engagement:
No combat - You’re just here for the roleplay or the wordcrawl, no mechanical combat!
Auxiliary - You’d like a bit of mechanical combat, but in a simplified way without a huge amount of investment in the tactics.
Primary - You’re interested in mechanical combat and will gladly build a moveset and get knee-deep in the tactics of battle.
Leveling up your character will involve participating in the Heartache Wordcrawl, but there’s no need to take part in combat if you just want to challenge yourself as a writer/reader and meet various community goals!
The wordcrawl system, called Training, is how players progress their characters' growth and development in the Heartache campaign. Essentially, in every round, while your character is doing their thing either onscreen or offscreen, you, the player, will be reading and writing as you always do to 'simulate' your character getting stronger in-universe. If you complete your training goals, so does your character, whether that's from dungeon crawling, working out in a dojo, or their day job.
In each of the twelve chapters of the campaign, players can complete Training Sessions by writing and posting reviews in the pokémon fanfic community, and achieving your training goals will earn EXP and gold! EXP is naturally used to level up your character (by up to 10 levels per chapter) while gold is used to purchase new items, moves, and more.
Training provides a way to motivate players to stay active in the community while engaged with the campaign, but meeting your own personal goals comes down to the honour system. It's not possible for staff to verify whether you really spent all that time writing, but you will live with the guilt forever. (Just kidding, but really there’s really no one to cheat but yourself.) Note that reviews, which are verifiable and much-encouraged, earn EXP and Gold at a faster rate than writing.
Players will typically need to complete four training sessions per month in order to keep pace. A single training session can consist of any one of the following in any combination:
Additionally, each end-of-chapter boss battle counts as a training session for everyone, even if they don't participate in combat.
You can freely repeat any kind of training session, or mix and match, but there is no double-dipping. (i.e. You can’t write 1000 words over the course of 90 minutes and count that as two training sessions. But you can write 1000 words, claim one training session, and then write any amount of words over the course of 90 minutes, and claim that as a second training session.)
Reviews must be 200 words at minimum, not including quoted text from the chapter. Reviewing multiple chapters only counts for multiple training sessions for each increment of 200 words. In other words, you complete one training session per chapter or per 200 words, whichever is less. Use wordcounter.net if you need to double-check.
If you finish your four sessions in a chapter and still want to keep going, that’s allowed! Excess EXP earned is converted into EXP candies at a rate of 50% (i.e. two candies would grant one session’s worth of EXP.) While you cannot exceed the max level for any given chapter, you can save the candies for a boost if you fall behind later. Oh, and you cannot earn excess Gold for bonus training.
What about if you’re unable to participate for a few chapters and need a catch-up? In addition to being able to consume any banked EXP candy, if you’re behind you’ll earn EXP and gold at a rate 2x faster than normal until caught up (at which point you’ll stop earning Gold, and then further EXP gets converted to candies as normal). In addition, if you’ve fallen behind and need a catch-up, you can publish a chapter or one-shot and have it count for two training sessions. (But it has to be new content – crossposting long-finished chapters from offsite doesn’t count!)
To summarise all that, here's a helpful table:
Remember that this is a crawl, not a blitz. It’s meant to last a whole year! Keep it slow and steady, and don’t burn yourself out.
- Write a total of 1000 words
- Write OR draw for a total of 90 minutes
- Post a review of a single chapter or one-shot
- Post art of someone’s fic
Additionally, each end-of-chapter boss battle counts as a training session for everyone, even if they don't participate in combat.
You can freely repeat any kind of training session, or mix and match, but there is no double-dipping. (i.e. You can’t write 1000 words over the course of 90 minutes and count that as two training sessions. But you can write 1000 words, claim one training session, and then write any amount of words over the course of 90 minutes, and claim that as a second training session.)
Reviews must be 200 words at minimum, not including quoted text from the chapter. Reviewing multiple chapters only counts for multiple training sessions for each increment of 200 words. In other words, you complete one training session per chapter or per 200 words, whichever is less. Use wordcounter.net if you need to double-check.
If you finish your four sessions in a chapter and still want to keep going, that’s allowed! Excess EXP earned is converted into EXP candies at a rate of 50% (i.e. two candies would grant one session’s worth of EXP.) While you cannot exceed the max level for any given chapter, you can save the candies for a boost if you fall behind later. Oh, and you cannot earn excess Gold for bonus training.
What about if you’re unable to participate for a few chapters and need a catch-up? In addition to being able to consume any banked EXP candy, if you’re behind you’ll earn EXP and gold at a rate 2x faster than normal until caught up (at which point you’ll stop earning Gold, and then further EXP gets converted to candies as normal). In addition, if you’ve fallen behind and need a catch-up, you can publish a chapter or one-shot and have it count for two training sessions. (But it has to be new content – crossposting long-finished chapters from offsite doesn’t count!)
To summarise all that, here's a helpful table:
Training Session | When Viable | Levels Earned (Normally) | Candies Earned (Excess) |
Write 1000+ words of your fanfic | Any time | 2 | 1 |
Spend 90m writing fanfic | Any time | 2 | 1 |
Spend 90m drawing fanart | Any time | 2 | 1 |
Post a review of 200+ words | Any time | 2 | 1 |
Post fanart for a fanfic | Any time | 2 | 1 |
Pass end-of-chapter bossfight | Once per chapter, automatically | 2 | N/A |
Publish a chapter or oneshot | Only when lagging behind | 4 | N/A |
Remember that this is a crawl, not a blitz. It’s meant to last a whole year! Keep it slow and steady, and don’t burn yourself out.
Challenges are an optional bonus for the real go-getters. Completing them will not be required for keeping up with the campaign or having a strong character, but there are some cool rewards and bragging rights!
Each chapter, a new challenge will be revealed. They may be tough, and unlike training, the tasks are exclusively things that can be verified on the forum, due to the actual prizes involved. Examples include publishing new chapters, reviewing a particular theme or topic, writing a comprehensive fic rec, or providing a beta reading. Challenges do not expire and can be completed at any time during the campaign, even months later. Oh, and no double-dipping – challenges must be redeemed separately from training!
Challenges revealed:
- Review four or more consecutive chapters of a pokémon fanfic. The total wordcount must exceed 400w minimum.
Prize Ladder:
- Strange Seed
Content Warnings
The world of Heartache is a harsh one, but while there are some dark themes, we aren’t going to be entering truly grimdark territory. The general tone is more “nobledark” – awful things can happen, but people and places are rarely doomed, and players have every opportunity to help out and make things better.
When it comes to the content written by the HA staff for the campaign proper, you can expect things to stay largely Teen with the following content advisories:
- Fantasy violence and blood, maybe some body horror (but no gore).
- Substantial – sometimes severe – cursing and harsh language.
- Suggestive humor and ‘implied actions’ (but nothing sexually explicit).
- Alcohol use, and potentially use of other mind-affecting substances.
- Character death and serious, lasting injury.
- Dark themes and events such as trauma, torture, and abuse.
- Fantasy xenophobia and colonialism.
Still interested?
If any or all of that has you excited to play, then you'll want to familiarise yourself with the Campaign Rules in the following post, then get yourself signed up at your leisure. Feel free to ask any questions you might have, and good luck!
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