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Welcoming Parade thread.

Ryu Tyruka

Your local neighbourhood spiderman.
Hi, my name is Ryan or as you know me, Ryu Tyruka. I got into pokemon a few years ago with the release of Diamond and Pearl. (I got both XD) and will definitely be getting Platinum later. My favourite pokemon are: Lucario, Bulbasaur/Ivysaur and Heatran but my very favourite is Leafeon, it was my second pokemon I got. I traded it with my cousin and he got a Monferno. So Leafeon may as well be my starter.

I like to RP sometimes and a like to sprite but i'm extremely bad at it, no really. Anyway, I hope we can be friends to whoever is reading this.

I also like SSBB and Ghost Squad on the Wii, so challenge me whenever (swap FCs.)

I love to talk (as you can see.) and like to make friends.

(I know i'm only 11 but I won't be too annoying, I promise XD.)
Hey, and welcome.

Yea leafeon is a cool pokemon, I think I have a few on Diamond. xP
Man, I haven't played SSBB or Diamond for ages.. =x
Hi newbie! Nice username and avatar. Can't say i'm a major fan of the eeveelution line but yeah, leafeon on its own is pretty cool. You have SSBB and Ghost Squad? I love those games! Have you got the panda costume yet?

Have a mark 2 virus. They evolved.

*Sucks the brains out of EeveeSkitty's cat plushie.*
Oh its simple, just finish all the tasks.

I made you a sprite.

You like to RP? Theres a really good one on now which i'm co-running now, rift in the dimensions.
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