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Whisper Wind Comb

"Stop!" Nova conjured a King's Shield. "Don't you think if I was here to take you out, I would've done so already? Why would I have knocked on your door?!"
"I know your tricks," hissed the shadowy creature, slamming harder and harder against the shield. "Just do it already! You took them away! Cut them down... they're worse than dead!"

Why are you waiting?

Slam, slam, SLAM. The blows kept coming, yet Nova felt utterly invincible. Did he even need to block them?
This time Nova stuck his foreleg out and halted the shadow. He genuinely wasn't sure if the dungeon was manipulating him to look like Mhynt at this point. Everything was all topsy-turvy. To say nothing of the new not-Mhynt acrid voice in his head.

"It's not a trick." Nova narrowed his eyes. "One last chance. Leave. You're not helping anyone here."
The moment Nova stuck out his foreleg, the shadowy creature bumped into it. And suddenly, that shadowy creature shrank and shrank until most of him had blown away in the wind, becoming something... diminutive and small. Like Nova had taken all of that power away in an instant.

No words came from the tiny creature but incoherent, shocked sputters. Then he roared and tried to attack Nova again, completely and utterly ineffectual, shouting about everything taken away from him.

Nova stared at his outstretched foreleg. He didn't even do anything. The dungeon was clearly screwing with him.

"I gave you a chance to leave," Nova growled. "You did this part to yourself." And with a sick, he flicked the tiny thing with his talons. Then he approached the unmoving shadow. As a test, he poked it with a claw.
The tiny thing spattered against the wall, motionless.

The other unmoving shadow let out a terrified gasp and then shrank the same way, deflating like an ashen balloon. As if resigned to its fate, the creature lowered its head and waited for the killing blow.

"Why did we bother?" it whispered.
Nova looked to the window that one of the shadows leaped out of, frowning. "You wanted something better, I imagine. I don't blame you." His cheek bolts turned slowly. "Sometimes... things seem insurmountable. Like it's an inescapable fate."

He turned away, tiny triangular ears folding. "If you're going to break that ceiling, you need more firepower."

Sighing, he scooped up the notebook and made for the door. Nothing to do but head for the castle.
A new errand had appeared in the book, but it was in line with Nova's plan: "Return to T̷͍̀ḧ̸͖e̷̝͝ ̸̬̓K̶̯̉ḯ̵̝n̵̰̓g̴̟̅ and submit your power."

. . . Nova Nova . . . repeat . . . your your . . . words . . . maybe . . . will will . . . work?

Like before, the street was empty. It was also utterly silent. News must have spread fast...
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