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Whisper Wind Comb

Mhynt would find her movement cumbersome. The basic movements were sluggish. Almost like the tar had turned to quicksand trying to suck her up.

And then she tried Teleporting.

While she succeeded in blipping forward, the chains had gone with her. And when her feet hit the tar again, the red chains glowed. When she tried to summon her apparition, the chains instead pulled her arms in opposite directions. Sharply. Suddenly.

There was tar coating her right leg. And a thin black miasma wafted up around Mhynt. Icy. Painful for a grass-type.

Painful... and frustrating. No dungeon should've been capable of this. This was ridiculous.

Mhynt's shadows increased...

Simply? Uhh...

Nova's whispers trailed off. But was it even him at this point? The clanging had faded, and now her echoing voice was mixing with his.

Where are you?
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