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Obstinea Mountains Whitepeak Pool

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
The Abbey's highest point was arguably the hardest place to reach, but well worth the climb.

A spring from deep within the heart of the mountain – filtered through the mystery dungeon below – collected there, forming a pool that sat with glassy stillness. Even the rushing of the waterfall that tumbled over the edge remained barely on the edge of hearing, as if respecting the serenity of the place. Delicate, white-petalled flowers grew here, and only here, out of all places in the Abbey.

Those looking for a physical challenge could scale the precarious cliff face themselves, but those seeking a quiet place for contemplation (or some stargazing, for here no clouds passed overhead and no lamplight polluted the sky) without such efforts could reach the mountaintop pool via a hand-cranked lift. Every so often, the Abbey's white-mottled gyarados could be persuaded into giving a passenger a ride up the waterfall that spilled over the pool’s edge. Particularly if they were children.

The mountaintop also offered a landing area for aerial arrivals to the Abbey, though those guests hardly needed assistance in getting down from such a height. This small wooden platform provided a safe marker for those landing at night without perfect nocturnal vision in the form of softly-glowing globes much like those that marked the mountain trails to the Abbey itself.

This pool was, naturally, deeply sacred. There was to be no unkind word said, nor blood shed, nor untruth spoken in this place, so close to the stars.


Many thanks to @Panoramic_Vacuum for assisting with the writeup.
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