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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Who is this "Umbra" you speak of?


Shadow Master
I want to say first and foremost that Umbra is a fairly new username of mine. On other sites I recently have used some form of Pharaoh of Anubis and on older accounts have used zak13shadowsoul13. If you know me from any sites where I have used those feel free to express this to me. All I ask is that you inform me of the site and your username on said site.

Now on to the main topic of this post... ME :D

I'll start with saying I am a 16 year old American. I have never left the country although I some day hope to travel around the world. My first interest in Pokemon was when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I remember watching Pokemon on Cartoon Network all the time. I have watched three Pokemon movies all the way through. Mew Two Strikes Back, Destiny Deoxys, and Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice. I also remember my friends having GBA or DS's and I always begged them to play Pokemon. Then, for a while I actually stopped having an interest in Pokemon. When I eventually got a DSi was during this time period so I didn't get Pokemon games. It was mostly because I was trying to keep my social image up. Recently I found my DSi, borrowed some games from friends and realized I'm a Pokenerd at heart no matter what people say. I've been researching all sorts of Pokemon related things and creating multiple Pokemon related goals.

My non Pokemon hobbies are guitar, multiple video game series (Guitar Hero, Elder Scrolls, and Darksiders top the list), drawing, and creative writing (to an extent; has to be what I want to write about)

I don't really know what I want to be for sure when I'm out of school but this is a list of all the highest level jobs I would love to have:
-Journalist for Game Informer
-Some sort of visual designer and/or story designer for Game Freak or Bethesda
-A professional lead guitarist

Basically jobs that let me express creativity and be around music, art, and video games.

Back to Pokemon, I have so many Fakemon ideas but I currently lack the spriting skill to make them truly come to life. I can recolor and choose custom palettes fairly well. I just need help with actual body and detail designing. If there is anyone who can "tutor" me in the ways of spriting from scratch I would greatly appreciate it. The means of how you review my artwork could be decided between us. Email seems to be the easiest form but I'm sure there are other ways.

All in all I hope to find as much of a "family" in the Pokemon community as I have in the music and video game communities. I just want to let my imagination become reality and have fun doing it.

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Seems no one responded, so . . .

Welcome to the cave. Please, by all means, have some tea.

And perhaps a fish.
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