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I had so many troops that I gutted out Lokkens base. Found out later that a Gold Badge Black Dragon was headed to my base

I kept on getting the Iron Plague credits, so I had to uninstall those movies then kill Lokken again to get the video I wanted. Wasn't hard, since I had so many troops that I just had to send them in (took about half a second), then click on the red dot in the minimap that was Lokken. X3 He was cowering in the far bottom left corner! My army of Dragons destroyed him in about 2 seconds :D

^^ With Three of the Four Sacred Dragons (Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, and Sea Dragon) leading an army of Sky Knights (About 50 of them), he didn't stand a chance :D

I still have the game save, so if I can find a free program that will record it for me, well, you can have video of me killing Lokken with a huge fucking mass of Dragons :D

Also, the stats said that I lost... 133 troops, had around 121 remaining (ok, so looks like I actually had around 100 Sky Knights), and I made over 800 kills :3
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