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New member
Heyyy. My name is David, or Schalein. You can call me either, hahaa, I don't really mind. I've kind of been an, uh, on-off reader of The Cave of Dragonflies for several years - the Quest for the Legends is like, one of my favourite fics of all time. I love how much creativity Pokemon inspires and I guess the fanfic/this site sort of epitomizes that? Hahahaa, all I really know is that it's nice to have something you can be happy thinking about, and Pokemon does exactly that.

My favourite is Lunatone by far, but my preferred type would have to be grass. I love the strategy and defensive play style of plant pokemon as well as their general appearance - after Lunatone I think my favourite would have to be Roselia. I don't know why, but most of my favourite pokemon are kind of femenine in design. A few others I like are Ninetales, Pidgeot, Altaria and Vespiquen.

I love to sprite but I'm not thaat great, haha, and my biggest online passion is roleplay - outside of Pokemon my biggest interest lies within the Battle Royale fandom (a kind of dystopian students-killing-students book/manga/movie) aaaand, uh, yeah. Anything else you'd like to know? Feel free to ask, hahaa.
Hello. I'm sure you'll find it very fitting here. Lots of people share your ambitions.

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