• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Once upon a time, I used to visit these forums. Thing is, I have the attention span of, oh, a caffeinated gnat with ADD. So I wandered off to do something else (knowing me, 'something else' meant 'read fanfiction' or 'go on another forever-long TV Tropes binge') and I never got around to wandering back. Until today, I guess.

It's funny, when I signed up the first time around I nagged my friend Verne to join too, and he stuck around when I got distracted by something shiny. Then he was like "My RP character over on TCOD is basically some lovechild of Scout and Johnny Bravo" so I was all "wait WHUT. Signing up to see this, now."

Yeah. Once upon a time, I cared what my introduction post looked like on new forums. Now I just avoid being a raving douchebag and call it a day.
TV Tropes, eh? You and I will get along just fine.

I'm Ketsu, the lurker, Pokémon anime fangirl, wannabe Rockman fangirl, Yaoi fangirl, and Vocaloid fangirl. I hope you stick around!
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