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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Your very own mechanized war machine.


printf("%s\n", user_title);

Warning: it's 4chan, following links will probably lead to NSFW stuff.

Go ahead and read the thread; I'll save the text for when it 404s. I want you to read it, and answer it here, for the enjoyment of me and the other members.
[For when the thread 404s: you choose one maneuvering system (obviously), three weapons, and two subsidiary systems.]
Perhaps this could even lead somewhere... but I'll go first.
Name: ASK Mk. IV "Einherjar"
Maneuvering System:
Two Legs
Weapon Modules:
Cohesive Particle Weapon x2 (one mounted on each arm)
Carrier-Wave Rifle
Subsidiary Systems:
Advanced Aiming Control
Bracing System

Role: A vehicle well-suited to open firefights and assault missions, primarily for urban and other similar environments where large obstacles are common.
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