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Closed Creeping Darkness

Kimori watched as the others started running.

Oh God, she thought, a race... I'll have to remember to get a Pokemon I can ride around on.

This only took about a second, so she wasn't too far behind, although she didn't really care because she knew she would be dead last even if she got a head start. She tapped Abun as a warning, and he coiled tighter around her neck, being careful not to strangle her, so that he wouldn't fly off while she was plodding along. As if though he could. Kimori ran too slow, but he didn't know that.

She ran after them, panting after only a few yards. Damn, it's hot... I'm going to pass out or something... But of course, she didn't. She always thought this whenever she began running.

"Wait up!" she called in a breathless voice, slowing down to a jog.

((Yes, in real life I'm this awful at running =_=))
Silver let out a yelp as he was pulled, and his legs reflexively started to pump so he wouldn't fall over. Torei could run fast when she wanted to, and had a powerful grip. No wonder he compared her to a Pokemon more often than not. He was trailing just behind her (since she was attached to his arm), and since she was steering them, he could look around him at the city. The sun was fully overhead now, and it was boiling in his suit. He frowned.

The city whipped past around him, and he knew that they'd be at the Park soon. The unmistakable burst of green in the otherwise grey and brown city could be seen for a long way around.

He wondered what kind of Pokemon he would catch. There were lots of Pokemon in the Park, even those that were from other places, like Sinnoh or Kanto. He tried to recall what the tour guide had told him at the last trip he'd taken there... She had shown them the browning honey trees that dotted the park, the sparkling blue ponds, and the tall grasses. There were even trees that looks flimsy enough to knock Pokemon out of with a headbutt! The Park was rarely open to trainers to catch Pokemon, so there were lots of rare Pokemon... But the rarest of all in the green spot, the one he was going to catch, was Eevee. He had decided that he would catch one long before he became a trainer, when he had witnessed a brief glimpse of the rare creature as a small child.
Torie, unaware that she may be hirting her friend, continues to dash through the town at top speed. She avoids crashing into people once more, leaping over anything that laid in the street.

She felt like she could fly.

"You alright Silver? I think we're almost at the park, should I slow down to let the others at least have a slim chance to catch up?"

She glances over her shoulder and grins at her childhood friend, her sky blue eyes glazed with sheer joy.
Mark dashed along after Silver and Torie, if only to find a way to the Park. He stunk with directions, and didn't generally pay attention to his surroundings if he didn't want to.

Breathing a bit more heavily than was entirely necessary, Mark jogged after his new acquaintances, glad that he wasn't wearing a suit like Silver was.

That poor boy.
"Let's just go, Torei... I wanna catch a Pokemon." Silver said, panting. His legs hurt from running, but the Park was right there!

He pulled his arm out of his friend's grasp and ran to the wide gates. A woman in a booth smiled at him.

"A trainer? Alright, just go on in." She said, spying the Pokeball in his grasp. She opened the metal gates by pressing a button, and admitted him into the lush green of the Park.

He dashed inside.


Just inside the gate was a grove of browning trees - honey trees. There was some sticky honey spread on the trunks, giving off a sweet smell. Wurmple, Caterpie, and Weedle crept about the patches of honey, feeding off the sweet substance. A group of grass-cloaked Burmy hung from the trees, and every so often a silhouette waddled though the trees, one with a chubby body and two long ears. Silver grinned at his surroundings. He was going to catch a Pokemon!

A few bird Pokemon he couldn't identify darted overhead, calling. He laughed and did a little spin on the spot.

(('cmon guys, post~~))
No sooner had the gate opened, Torei tore through it and skids to a stop next to Silver. She takes in a deep breath, a mad grin on her face. She remembers the first time she came to the park with her Family at the age of five. She lets out her breath slowly, and slings an arm around Silver's shoulders.

"What pokemon are you looking for, Silver? I might be able to help you ou- What is that lovely smell!"

Torei sniffs the air and starts to glide toward one of the honey trees, free of bugs and other honey loving pokemon. She sits in front of the tree and slides her finger on the tree, licking the honey off of it.

"God. This brings me back to when I was first here"
Ira slowed down, with Flameheart flapping next to him. He could still see the others, and he wasn't far behind. Someone had already entered a lush green area, and just by looking at it he guessed that there would be Pokemon in there. Probably a few types.

"I might as well jump on the bandwagon..."
Mark dashed in after Silver and Torei, holding up his Pokédex to identify himself as a trainer to the desk woman. Lifting Gush from his position on his back, and getting a nip on the finger as thanks, Mark stopped short as he saw all of the Pokémon.

Mark's Bettaqua gave a gurgle of excitement, and Mark placed Gush carefully on a shoulder before running into the Park.

Swallowing his growing excitement, Mark thought about what kind of Pokémon he might want. Bugs were always helpful, as well as Grass-types...
Vai nodded to Tamara. "Well, it's nice to meet you!" Hakoi squeaked again, and floated just above her head. "And.. this is Hakoi. Oh, don't so shy," she turned to the Tsuki. "Can you talk? I haven't heard you say a word yet.."

"Yes, but.." Hakoi nodded, and went over to Cherry again.

"Would you want to.. maybe travel together? We might catch up with the others who left, I heard they were going to the Park.." Vai grinned. "If you don't mind, of course."
Kimori plodded into the park about a minute late. She had enough energy to look around the Park while she was panting and gulping water from a bottle she had brought. It was warm and metallic, but she was grateful she had thought to bring one.

She now focused on the honey-covered trees. The most Pokemon on them were bugs, the kind that evolved into their final forms at level 10 or so. Useful in the very beginning of a journey, but not really good for battles. If she used a Bug Pokemon, she would prefer it to be something like Ninjask, which were very fast, or Heracross, or, even better, Scyther, her favorite Bug Pokemon. She doubted there were any Scyther in the Park, though, and if there were, they could probably beat Abun to a pulp. She would have to wait until later for a Scyther.

Flying Pokemon were good if you trained them a bit, though, she thought as she watched the birds overhead. She vaguely remembered that a distant relative in Hoenn had trained a monster Pelipper named Mags. A Pelipper would actually be needed too, she reflected, to deal with all the pesky Fire types that could burn Abun to a crisp, and Pelipper fit that very purpose. They could learn moves like Ice Beam too, which would deal with Grass types that Abun's main attacks wouldn't do much good against.

She looked again at the birds, trying to remember what species they were again.
A swarm of Starly flew overhead, cheeping loudly and chasing a small murder of Murkrow. The Murkrow were just cackling, leading the Starly around. A few Combee - all male, from the looks of them - hovered around a tree, talking in their own buzzing language. A Female of the same kind was perched on a tree branch overhead. A few Budew clustered near a bush, watching the group nervously. In one of the honey trees, a Treecko stared down at them, assessing the group.

From between two honey trees, a Munchlax approached Torei, waddling happily with a large smile on it's face. It sat next to her and started to eat the honey with her.

"Munch munch~" It said happily, poking her in the arm and stealing some honey off her finger with a lick.

"Woah... A Munchlax!" Silver breathed, pulling out his Pokedex. He pointed the red-orange rectangle at the small chubby creature, and it started to read off information on the Munchlax in a monotone female voice.

"Munchlax, The Big Eater Pokemon. It eats it's weight in food in a day, swallowing the food whole without thought to chew. Sometimes they hide food in their fur, but forget about it."

Silver smirked.

"It reminds me of you, Torei, why don't you catch it?" He said, laughing.

(( :C come on guys don't let this diiiie...))
Torei looks down at the small creature with interest, she goes to say hello to the creature before it licked the honey off of her fingers. She puffs out her cheeks and goes back to eating the honey off the the tree.

"It reminds me of you, Torei, why don't you catch it?"


She looks back at Silver, a ring of honey on her mouth. She then looks back at the small pokemon silently. She then grins, fishing in her bag for a ball and places it next to the Munchlax with a honey coated smile.

"Hey! Would you like to come with me?"

She then glances at the honey tree, then her eyes narrow and a smirk appears on her face. She slides her narrowed eyes toward the pokemon.

"If you come with me...I'll share all my honey with you~"
"All right," Cherry agreed, and passed it on to her trainer.

"Okay, Cherry Pie, let's go!" Tamara cried, following quickly after the others with an excited glint in her eyes. WOO-HOO!!

The Palmlee energetically followed after, an animated look on her face as they drew nearer to the park.
Flameheart chirped rapidly while doing a little dance upon Ira's shoulder. He gestured with his talon towards the Park.

"I'm guessing you want to fly around in that big open space, right? Okay, but first, I need you to do something for me."


"I want you to find something that you can stick into your feathers so that people know you're not wild. Don't use anything flammable, though. You got that?"

"Kra!" Flameheart began glancing to the left and right, occasionally swooping short distances and scanning for objects.
((@Cryptica: um, wut? *gestures wildly to previous post*))

Ivan blinked, and Lumina squawked in his ear loudly. It felt as if time had suddenly welled up around him, become stuck on one particular instant, and then spat him back out into the normal flow. Or maybe the exhaustion of coming here had finally caught up to him and he fell asleep while standing. In any event, his potential opponent was nowhere to be seen, as was the majority of the other young trainers and the professor. "Well...crap," he muttered.

Outside once again, Ivan and Lumina looked this way and that for any sign of the vanished children - not exactly the easiest task, given the urban metropolis where they were located. "Now, where is it that trainers would go immediately after starting their journey?" he asked to the open air, stroking his chin in thought - or perhaps to make himself look "cooler" now that his shades were back on. "Since they're so enthusiastic about the entire training prospect, they would most likely test their new pokemon's strength. But, if any of them were to battle each other, there's no reason for them to not just do it here, so they must be somewhere with wild pokemon. But where would that be?" Ivan sighed; he had lived on Mercus Island for almost all of his life, and knew little of Terra, let alone Polarus Town.

"What do you think, Lumina?" he asked the fiery bird, currently flying circles in the air above his head. "Tiel!" she said, the inflection of discovered realization present even in her nonsensical poke-speak, before streaking off in a random direction. "Hey! Where're you going?!" Ivan shouted at her and, when it was clear she was no effort to turn back, started to run. "Wait up!"

It was a tiresome endeavor, running through the streets of Polarus while trying to keep an eye on Lumina's smoking trail and avoiding collision with other pedestrians at the same time - granted, it was moments like this which Ivan's training had prepared him for, but he hadn't expected it to come before he even left the city. Eventually, he stopped, panting and out of breath, and found Lumina waiting on top of a nearby street sign, chirping merrily. "Why'd you run off like that?!" he demanded, his face red from a mixture of anger and exhaustion.

The bird didn't seem to be paying much attention to Ivan, but, as she stretched her wings and yawned deeply, pointed in a direction further down the road, to a place where the wall of buildings parted and trees sprung up over the far side of a tall fence, and a sign proclaimed in large letters "Polarus Park". Ivan felt like he should say something, to congratulate his pokemon for finding their destination, but it was in that moment that, much to his dismay, Lumina left her perch and flew off once again, towards the park gate, and he could only comply by following as quickly as his drained legs could go.
((I don't want this to dieeee... But I had compannnnnny over....))

Oh, look, a Treeko! ...But it's a Grass-type, so Gush wouldn't work so well... Maybe some of those Burmy over there, then... I always like Mothim.

"What do you think, Gush, are you up for fighting that Treeko, or do you wanna try a Combee?" muttered Mark to the amphibian on his shoulder, pointing out the Pokémon in turn.

The Bettaqua squeaked out, "To the hangy-things!" while raising a forefoot towards the group of Burmy hanging in the trees.

Laughing, Mark headed over to the 'hangy-things', pulling a Pokéball out as he went.

"Okay, Gush, you can do a Water Gun, right?" Mark asked, getting a vigorous nod from his Pokémon. "So, I want you to aim one at that spot between that Burmy's head-sucker and the branch, okay?"

Scrambling to the top of Marks head for a better vantage point, Gush heaved in a breath and fired a stream of water at the unsuspecting Burmy. With a strangled cry[, the Bug-type fell to the ground, scattering leaves everywhere.

The Burmy quickly began gathering its fallen cloak components with a fretful look on its face. Mark waited respectively for it to finish.

As the Bagworm Pokémon finished its retrieval, it returned its attention to Gush, who, on Mark's command, ran forward and hit the bug over the head with his tail. As the Burmy's eyes crossed, Mark threw the readied ball at the Pokémon, crossing his fingers.

As the team watched, the Burmy was absorbed into the Pokéball, which fell to the ground and began to shake from side to side. For a few agonizingly long moments, the ball continued to rock, the button on the front glowing dully.

And then it stopped.

Reaching down carefully, Mark picked up the Pokéball, staring at it. His first capture! Without further ado, Mark picked up Gush and hugged him, smiling widely.
[[Congratulations! You may add your level 9 female Burmy to your profile, and subtract one Pokeball]]

"Munchmunch!" The Munchlax next to Torei cheered, hugging the girl hard at the prospect of food.

Silver laughed, putting away his Pokedex and starting down the path. He needed to catch himself an Eevee soon, before the Park closed for the night. The path split into two a while down, around a massive tree. Under the tree sat a cloaked figure with something small and slightly green in it's lap. Silver squinted at the scene, as if it was... familiar? Like he had seen the figure before...

"Hey guys, look at that!" He called, pointing at the figure.
((Sorry, I read that so long ago ><))

Ira turned his head and jumped at the same time. A question ran through his head: Does this guy have an invisible megaphone?

The new trainer shrugged. "I think I need a bit of practice first."

Flameheart was lost in thought, trying to think of something that would look good on his feathers.

But the loud person was gone.
Vai laughed and ran after Tamara. She fell in behind her, and looked ahead at the Park, seeing a flock of Starly chasing a few Murkrow overhead. Hakoi wouldn't be much use on the Murkrow, but a Starly might be of some use..

"Hakoi, how high up can you levitate? Or how high would you want to?" Hakoi floated about a meter up above her head, before dropping to her head level. Well, she wouldn't be able to get a Starly unless it landed, which.. might not happen.
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