Round 3
Metallica Fanboy

Alexandrite Dragon (♂)
Health: 78%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Color Change
Status: Attack +6. Defense +1. Accuracy +1.
Zero Moment

Eurastar (♀)
Health: 72%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Magic Guard, Flash Fire
Status: Attack +1. Special Attack +1. Speed -2. About 15cm taller than normal.
Kratos Aurion


Random Number Degenerate (♂)
Health: 82%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard
Status: Severely Paralyzed (25% chance of full paralysis - will fade to 20% in two actions)
As soon as Round 3 began, just like for every other round, all of the pokémon on the field began to wave their fingers back and forth. This time, just as in the past two rounds, Alexandrite Dragon was the first of them to move. His finger glowed a light blue, and a moment later he got down on all fours and closed his eyes peacefully as that bluish aura spread to the rest of his body as well. The few nicks and scratches he had acquired thus far in the battle were disappearing from his body at an alarmingly fast rate.
Eurastar didn’t have time to worry about that, though, before her own attack was decided. Harnessing the powers of the Random Number God, she opened her metronome hand wide and raised it in the air. Random Number Degenerate, still waiting for his own Metronome attack to bear fruit, looked at her in confusion for a few seconds, until suddenly the bigger Cleffa brought her arm down in a single, quick stroke. As she did, Random Number Degenerate was forced to stagger back, unable to jump due to her stiff muscles, to avoid an array of spikes that flew past Eurastar’s arm and came to rest in a random layout on the battlefield.
Before he could take account of the spikes’ positions, though, Eurastar’s metronome attack finally went through, and both of his hands began to glow with the telltale black aura of the Dark-type attack. Grinning, the Cleffa put its hands together and fired a pulsing purplish-black beam of negativity towards Alexandrite Dragon. The beam didn’t seem to do all that much, though - the Kecleon didn’t even acknowledge the attack as his skin changed color once again to match the attack he had just been hit with.
The now-black Kecleon opened his eyes as soon as the attack ended, and got back up on two legs, and smiled, for no apparent reason except to appreciate how well the battle was going for him thus far. So, he decided to celebrate, apparently. In a spectacle that awed the spectators, the Kecleon joyously waved his finger around, and not a moment passed before a strange, thick gold ring opened up next to the chameleon pokémon and spat out a present box before vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. The suspiciously Cleffa-sized carton seemed to be empty, though it and its lid were decorated in some beautiful blue paper with a brilliant gold ribbon.
Eurastar ignored Alexandrite Dragon’s pointless celebration, instead choosing to leap nimbly, avoiding the Spikes she had set on the ground, towards Random Number Degenerate. Before the Cleffa could react, Eurastar, who was apparently being a bit more assertive than the past two rounds, reached out and grabbed her opponent’s Leftovers, switching it in a single fluid motion for the Magmarizer she had been holding. Leftovers were more useful anyway, Eurastar thought as she took a bite out of the mysteriously endless apple core.
Random Number Degenerate was furious. How
dare she steal his item! That was his and his alone - his trainer had bought it specially for him - or, at least, that was what he’d been told when, among the other hundred or so pokémon at his trainer’s disposal he’d been the one chosen to carry the sacred item. This time, fueled by his anger, Random Number Degenerate’s finger-wiggling was intense and very metronomic - but it paid off. The smaller Cleffa smiled as it opened its hand fully and a surprisingly large rock appeared in it. It was about to get its revenge on Eurastar. Smirking, it pulled its arm back and threw the rock at its larger opponent.
Despite her larger size, though, Eurastar dodged the first rock with ease, mostly because rocks are heavy and Random Number Degenerate, still a young Cleffa with little fighting experience, didn’t quite have the coordination to throw the rock accurately. The smaller Cleffa was undeterred, however, and as soon as the first rock missed another one appeared in her hand. She threw that one too, and more accurately than the first one. But this time, Eurastar saw it coming. She didn’t even bother avoiding the spikes this time - no matter how many she stepped on, it appeared as if she didn’t feel any pain - but instead simply rolled out of the way. The third, fourth, and fifth rocks missed too, and when Random Number Degenerate ran out of rocks he was absolutely furious.
Only for a second, though, as Alexandrite Dragon quickly wiped the smirk off of Eurastar’s face. Having jumped off of the box he’d summoned just a moment ago, Alexandrite Dragon now descended upon Eurastar - literally. It was Random Number Degenerate’s turn to feel amused and satisfied as his opponent was crushed by the Stomp attack despite his large size. But that satisfaction soon turned to fear, to match Alexandrite Dragon’s face, as they both saw Eurastar’s eyes narrow and her mouth turn up into a truly evil grin. And then, leaving only a split second for Alexandrite Dragon to realize what was about to happen and cringe in anticipation, the large Cleffa suddenly grabbed hold of her opponent’s legs, now using Alexandrite Dragon’s momentum against him, and began to swing the Kecleon around and around, faster and faster, finally releasing the poor chameleon after almost ten seconds and sending him flying towards the crowd, which scattered quickly trying to get out of the way. No such luck, unfortunately - a few of them were grazed by the flying Kecleon before it slammed into the edge of a building at the edge of the intersection with a surprising amount of force, his skin color changing from dark purple to a dull, orangey brown.
Random Number Degenerate, watching, was feeling truly sorry for Alexandrite Dragon - that looked very painful. His own affliction was growing slightly less severe, and he hadn’t taken nearly that much damage yet, so he was quite sympathetic towards whom he now interpreted as the lesser of his two opponents. And so, he wiggled his finger back and forth once again, with that wish in mind. And then, he began to glow with a pink aura, and he felt his life force draining away. A realization came to him, suddenly - he knew this attack, and he knew what it was going to do to him if he didn’t stop it. He’d be fine with sacrificing himself if his trainer ordered him to, but his own stake in this battle wasn’t worth a quick heal out of sympathy. Eurastar, now sizing up Random Number Degenerate, sighed a little bit - ‘twas unfortunate, but her opponent wasn’t going to remove himself from the battle after all. She was going to have to make that happen herself, she thought as she took another bite from the Leftovers she’d pilfered from the smaller Cleffa. Definitely worth the trade.
End of Round 3
Metallica Fanboy

Alexandrite Dragon (♂)
Health: 74%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fighting
Ability: Color Change
Actions: Roost ~ Celebrate ~ Stomp@Eurastar
Status: Attack +6. Defense +1. Accuracy +1.
Zero Moment

Eurastar (♀)
Health: 62%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Magic Guard
Actions: Spikes ~ Switcheroo@Random Number Degenerate ~ Counter@Alexandrite Dragon
Status: Attack +1. Special Attack +1. Speed -2. About 15cm taller than normal.
Kratos Aurion

Random Number Degenerate (♂)
Health: 83%
Energy: 100%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard, Flash Fire
Actions: Dark Pulse@Alexandrite ~ Rock Blast@Eurastar ~ Healing Wish (Failed)
Status: Badly Paralyzed (20% chance of full paralysis - will fade to 15% in two actions)
Arena Status:
~Healing wish failed because there are no other pokémon to be sent out. Be glad, I guess.
~A doctor who happened to be in the crowd is looking over the grazed civilians to make sure Alexandrite Dragon didn’t inadvertently hurt them somehow.
~There are spikes covering the ground. There is a 30% chance of landing on them on any given action.
~One building, from which Alexandrite Dragon is slowly and painfully making his way back, now has a bit of a dent in it.
~Alexandrite Dragon is angered and is doing his best to get back to the battle and take revenge. Random Number Degenerate is now significantly less confident than before, while Eurastar is much more confident.
~An empty cardboard present box, cube-shaped and about large enough to hold a normal-sized Cleffa, is currently sitting near the two Cleffa.
Next Round:
~You three order commands
~More chaos