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  • I went and read your and Raptosaurus' (I...don't know how to spell that) conversations with The Awesome Arceus. Bad grammar also pains me DX
    ...wow. I just realized how much more different (or, not to brag I swear, mature) I am than the other ~10 year olds that joined here...
    I caught an Audino with full HP and non statused with a Poke Ball. Just now. Whoa.

    Also I am very happy with the people my username is usually next to in Who's Online :3 I have already formed an online *small* circle of friends of sorts :3
    I have the worst Pokemon catching luck ever xD

    That was no joke, it was all real. I'm serious.

    Also I just beat Driftveil Gym 8D I also caught some Deerling and will breed them. And OH MY IS THAT AN AUDINO? Should I catch it, or no? How good is Audino :o?

    Gah I got locked out and the site kept not pulling up the pages and I was unable to get back in D: Did the same happen to you? I'M HAPPY I GOT BACK IN 8DDDD
    xDDD And I went and beat the next two Gym Leaders without much more training. By Gardenia, I was at around level 40ish.
    I know, I said my team was pretty underleveled. See, in my Platinum, by the time I reached Roark I was at like level 35 all through my team...xD
    Good afternoon from the East Coast! I'm happy since I got to eat KFC instead of breakfast 8D My White team is:

    ♂Throh lvl 29
    ♂Woobat (nicknamed Pigbat) lvl 15
    ♀Servine (nicknamed Mintleaf) lvl 23
    ♀Munna (nicknamed Dreamflora) lvl 18
    ♀Roggenrola (nicknamed Crysteral) lvl 10 (my lowest)
    ?Victini (no nickname) lvl 21
    Usually I overtrain them, but this time...they're underleveled. All at around level 15-25 (my strongest is Throh, at 26).
    ...*points to picture* that is me right now. Mawile, you are very good at going and finding facepalm panels x3 I saw it on others' profiles~
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