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Recent content by ArceusPalkia916

  1. ArceusPalkia916

    I've returned, I suppose?

    Long story short, stumbled onto these forums (and this account) while having a free Chem period. Idk if anyone remembers me, but if you do, I'm sorry for any weeaboo tendencies I possessed. I've cleaned up. ;n; But yeah, I'll probably keep lurking around and stuff!! Not really into the Pokemon...
  2. ArceusPalkia916


  3. ArceusPalkia916

    I can be your best friend I can be your worst enemy I can stand against you Or I could stand...

    I can be your best friend I can be your worst enemy I can stand against you Or I could stand with you All in all We're friends somehow~And a Question for ya:Tips on how to deal with bf/gf drama?A need help with one of my friends and somebody before I end up slapping them because they won't shut...
  4. ArceusPalkia916

    Awwww.....And you should be scared*laughs psychotically and pulls out butcher knife*

    Awwww.....And you should be scared*laughs psychotically and pulls out butcher knife*
  5. ArceusPalkia916

    Ello Cla-I mean Chirstina :DDD Neat avvie.At first I was like zOMG STALKER ALERT!!!!111 but then...

    Ello Cla-I mean Chirstina :DDD Neat avvie.At first I was like zOMG STALKER ALERT!!!!111 but then I figured it was you xDD.I SAW YOU ON PP
  6. ArceusPalkia916

    http://www.quackerandbowen.com/whatisthetailsdoll.htmlRead this and you shall find out....

    http://www.quackerandbowen.com/whatisthetailsdoll.htmlRead this and you shall find out....
  7. ArceusPalkia916

    http://www.quackerandbowen.com/whatisthetailsdoll.htmlRead this and you shall find out....

    http://www.quackerandbowen.com/whatisthetailsdoll.htmlRead this and you shall find out....
  8. ArceusPalkia916

    [IMG] Its evil! lock yourself in the bathroom and play can you feel the sunshine or sing in the...

    [IMG] Its evil! lock yourself in the bathroom and play can you feel the sunshine or sing in the city backwards;you'll get lots of bad luck.And last night I heard something running up the stairs and my cats were in my room and it wasnt my dog he was asleep in the middle of my room.
  9. ArceusPalkia916

    Your avatar is scawy ;-; like Tails Doll but not as evil and it will not eat yo soul xD Tails...

    Your avatar is scawy ;-; like Tails Doll but not as evil and it will not eat yo soul xD Tails Doll is real,after I locked my self in the bathroom and played Can you feel the sunshine and then I sang in the city backwards I am having lots of bad luck today.Now for stuff to go missing,see...
  10. ArceusPalkia916

    How did you become a Pokémon fan?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon fan? Like 09-ish.At school our teacher allowed you to bring your DS with you as long as you didnt play in class.I walked over to like a group of people and my friend asked me to help her with Sabrina etc. and I won and she was telling me I was pretty good for a...
  11. ArceusPalkia916

    Secrets Thread

    In the day time when Im near everyone I act all peppy.But at night I feel like crying.And I can't stand a day without gaming stuff.
  12. ArceusPalkia916

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

    ^I have no clue who you are but eh,you sound epic?
  13. ArceusPalkia916

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. or chocolate or cakes.But then L and Mello would try to eat the thread so we couldnt do that.we are already at risk since we are talking about cookies.I like tag-a-longs and Samoas
  14. ArceusPalkia916

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. I only like mint oreos.even better then thin mints.instead of cookies why dont we debate on death note stuff?Or grandma vs. celing cat?or billy mayes vs.teh shamwow guy?
  15. ArceusPalkia916

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. forgot 'bout that sorry xD and also a debate if Near uses hair dye. and Im a girlscout and if GS cookies are on the darkside,sign me up :3
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