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  • It'd be the cutest thing ever in any colour scheme other than that. xD
    And I think the trumpet section leader was just trying to destroy three-tenths of your work D:

    And since we're sharing, here's a Mikehfaildrawing.
    Your capital "I"s look a lot like one of my friends'... but his is REALLY illegible. xD

    You seem to be pushing one such idiot off a desk. :o
    Oh, I remember when I drew failcomics :D Once I stapled like ten pads of paper together and convinced myself I'd fill it ALL with one comic x3

    It was only when Oddity came along that they actually became good.
    Or I could just get back to work on Oddity.

    Or start on the fully animated Phoenix Wright one with music and everything I might almost be able to do that I had planned.
    (hey ;w;)

    ...I had a dream once about pirates having a water balloon fight. Should I make that into a comic? :o
    Yay :D I was stuck for a Gyarados name so I just thought "eh Gyarados is water and angry what's it called if water's angry and you're describing it with a word that doesn't suck".

    Yeah well I've got a lv10 Golbat I didn't even cheat for D<
    I've never ever found one D: After aaaaages trying. Though once I fond a Feebas square on Emerald, and today I caught a Chansey, so meh.

    Also I changed my party round and changed the nicknames ^^ I now have Kindle the Monferno, Savant the Alakazam, Alodea the Leafeon and Tempest the Gyarados. Still awful names but more creative :D

    (And I was right, the Pokémon in the Daycare pen are solid.)
    Which would consist of days on end stood by a tree trying to encounter the bloody thing and then giving up in frustration. :3
    o.o That must have been fun xD

    Not as much so as a Magikarp/Weedle/Caterpie/Metapod/Kakuna/Wurmple/Silcoon/Cascoon/Burmy/Combee/Kricketot only run, though 83
    I was thinking of a Starter-only run. Not sure what to do it on though. Maybe Red/Blue/Gold since I've just started those.
    Well, I did actually, but I meant taking out the ones that I just saw and thought "screw it, that looks a bit like Fenrir" and using Pokémon I really want :3

    I might try them someday though. The easiest ones of course, because lazy Mike is lazy.
    Nah, that's too uncreative even for me :3
    I think I will scrap my whole idea though, and reorganise my party a tad. Maybe try and be creative for once :D
    But I'm awful at coming up with nicknames, and when I decide to use them this is the only way I can keep going with them. Just look at my GPX+ or ASB profiles.

    On the occasion I try to make them up I end up with crap like Spoons the Alakazam or Snowpaws the Glaceon.
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