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  • I'm not sure how I came across PW, really =/ I think I just saw the game once, thought "that looks decent", slept on it for a while, decided to go for it one day, and loved it ever since 8D
    No idea. I'm going with Luh-JUB-luh-JAR-nuh. x3 If you think that's bad the capital of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou.

    I'm not even going to go into things I wouldn't have discovered without the Internet. I think it'd be quicker to list the things I would have known of.
    Ljubljana, however, is an AWESOME name for a city 8D

    Well, you'd exist without the Internet, I presume, but you wouldn't be here and fewer people would know you :3 And I met many of my best and closest friends online, so yeah :D
    Nah, I think most of them are pretty obscure. Other than Copenhagen or Ljubljana, which are capitals, albeit not very famous ones. Anyway, Rome was 7th and Paris didn't even make the top 10 :o

    True. But some of it good. :D
    But what if someone bought you? D: Well, I'd eat them and rescue you, but still. Besides you'd spend most of your working life dealing with boring, unstupid people who weren't at all funny.

    Shame I don't live in Burford, it'd be much more of a bragging point than just working and going to school there. xD According to this it's beaten only by Gaoile (Italy), Saint-Remy-de-Provence (France), Copenhagen (Denmark), Kefalonia (Greece) and Ljubljana (Slovenia); basically none of the places you'd expect. xD Sadly, my village only lays claim to being the supposed knifing and inbreeding capital of west Oxfordshire. =3

    I've been getting to sleep somewhere around the 2-4am mark, but I think the Internet may be mostly to blame for that. ;3
    I really hope that guy and the one asking to buy the shop clerk are the only two people EVER who are that stupid. xD

    In the top 100 American schools? Wow, that must be a pretty good school :D Dunno what my school ranks, if anything, but it's situated in the sixth nicest town in Europe :DDD

    (I've been at my school for nearly 6 full school years and I still struggle to get up. xD Especially now my sleeping patters have just gone out the window...)
    5:20?! Holy crap am I glad I do not go to your school. I am not a morning person, I doubt I'd be much of a virtually-the-middle-of-the-night person either. How do they justify making you go that early? Are you taught how to fly or something?!

    Getting ready for me takes about 45 minutes too, but that comprises of 15 minutes trying to get up, 10 minutes getting dressed, and 20 minutes making a cup of tea and drinking it. I get off at 3, and get home by about quarter to four. All in all, your school day just sounds EVIL.

    Hehe... it's 2am here and I've still no intention of sleeping :D But then I only need to be up for 10, my mum's taking me to her pub (which is just down the road a bit from the school) to revise and stuff before the exam.
    o.o What, actual lessons and stuff begin at 7:15?! I have to get up at 7 for the bus, but morning registration's not til 8. When do you go home?

    My exam days are just a case of going in for the exam and going home, or if you don't have one staying home altogether. But my History and Maths exams will be... interesting >.<;;
    Those glitches sound so amazing 8D (Found your link.) I'll have to try them sometime. And repay you for putting me on to these sites by linking you to one or two of my epic StumbleUpon finds.

    Anyway, I'm good. I have a General Studies exam tomorrow at 1. I've not revised, astonishingly. xD
    Me neither really. That's always the problem with being bored and wanting to talk to people >.<;;
    Uh... how are you? :D [/fail conversation starter]
    No one else is around to chat to. Talk to me again pls? (I haven't got any Not Always Right quotes this time D:)
    Hey, I am NOT a prostitute. >=( (I wouldn't make it three minutes in that trade without going out of business.)
    It's probably just the repetition of "like"... but I, like, totally agree. *sticks out his tongue and knocks on his head with his knuckles in an Ini-like way*

    And now it emerges that you like Ace Attorney, I could not forgive myself if I did not send you a friend request :D May I?
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