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DarkAura's latest activity

  • DarkAura
    DarkAura replied to the thread Game Queue Redux.
    I'd be down to play!
  • DarkAura
    DarkAura replied to the thread Type Change.
    oh MAN, speaking of, I always get Pyukumuku and Pincurchin mixed up, it takes me a bit to remember they're two different Pokemon. I'm...
  • DarkAura
    DarkAura replied to the thread Type Change.
    I can usually vibe with how most Pokemon are typed, but Clobbopus and Grapploct not being part Water is so bananas to me. Like hello...
  • DarkAura
    DarkAura reacted to Trinket's post in the thread Type Change with Haha Haha.
    The Normal type is plain brown animals and weird amorphous blobs, and when they turned half of the latter camp into Fairies I think they...
  • DarkAura
    DarkAura commented on mewtini's profile post.
    DM'd you! 🎉
  • DarkAura
    Ahhhh that's so cool what the heck!!! That's genuinely made my night sgjslfhsl, I always remembered you being super rad mewtini, and I'm...
  • DarkAura
    DarkAura commented on A_Polished_Scyther's profile post.
    happy new year!!
  • DarkAura
    Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with...
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