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  • hey DarkAura do you have discord
    realizing this has been literal years since I last logged into TCoD (and probably the same for you--), but if you still wanna know my Discord, lmk! 🎉
    Hi DarkAura just want to remind you to start checking in! We have a thread on MU now!
    oh yeah lol my story bit the dust a long time ago, nevermind that
    Yo, there's a promo going on on the ASBdb that ends today! (I'm going through and letting everyone who's collected allowance this month but hasn't claimed the promo know.)
    I suppose that makes sense. But I'm sure you'll have to drive at least once!

    I live in a capital city and there are, like, maybe three different buses I've seen. I always forget they're actually an option.
    There aren't necessarily buses everywhere, and they don't lead everywhere, either; driving is more convenient.

    Presumably you live in an urban community?
    Oh, yeah. I think that was the last time I was active on this site.
    I think he might be! If he's born in the same year as me, then he definitely is.

    ...But you have to drive, eventually.
    Active, though? And yeah, driving is super scary! But also kind of necessary. Have you ever tried it?
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