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Recent content by DarkAura

  1. DarkAura

    Game Queue Redux

    I'd be down to play!
  2. DarkAura

    Type Change

    oh MAN, speaking of, I always get Pyukumuku and Pincurchin mixed up, it takes me a bit to remember they're two different Pokemon. I'm always like, "yeah Pincurchin's that... gen 7... water type? hold on..."
  3. DarkAura

    Type Change

    I can usually vibe with how most Pokemon are typed, but Clobbopus and Grapploct not being part Water is so bananas to me. Like hello, what part of these sea-dwelling octopi screams pure Fighting??
  4. DarkAura

    DM'd you! 🎉

    DM'd you! 🎉
  5. DarkAura

    Is there anyone else still here?

    Ahhhh that's so cool what the heck!!! That's genuinely made my night sgjslfhsl, I always remembered you being super rad mewtini, and I'm glad to see that hasn't changed!!
  6. DarkAura

    happy new year!!

    happy new year!!
  7. DarkAura

    Is there anyone else still here?

    Still here as well! Been lurking for the past few months, but I love getting to see old and new faces alike. I've had some contact with a few peeps recently, and it's always so nice getting to reconnect like "!!! I remember you!!!!"
  8. DarkAura

    Let's say nice things about gen 4

    The Pokeathlon was such fun in HGSS! I love some of the little details, like how Diglett/Dugtrio just straight up can't jump in any of the minigames lmaoo Platinum's got a great balance of freedom of exploration and story progression, there's a real nice flow that makes multiple playthroughs...
  9. DarkAura

    you've got this!! 🎉

    you've got this!! 🎉
  10. DarkAura

    realizing this has been literal years since I last logged into TCoD (and probably the same for...

    realizing this has been literal years since I last logged into TCoD (and probably the same for you--), but if you still wanna know my Discord, lmk! 🎉
  11. DarkAura

    Doing well! How about you? it really has been a while omgg, that's such a huge gap in time...

    Doing well! How about you? it really has been a while omgg, that's such a huge gap in time between our other vms
  12. DarkAura


    okay but now I'm running out of ace atturnstyle material and I don't wanna clog the thread up too much more ooopss
  13. DarkAura


    If that's your point, then any one of us could say "meow". The fact that humans can say the word "meow" is a given. But that doesn't invalidate the fact that kittens also can meow, nor does it make the defendant's pun invalid. Hold up, now! Do I still need to say "meow"? ...No, Your Honor.
  14. DarkAura

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  15. DarkAura


    Yowch!! (Great, now all we need is for Edgeworth to bring out the updated pawtopsy report...) (...) (Or maybe I should.) You're assuming that the idea of kittens is mutually exclusive to that of house cats. But if we take a look at a little thing I like to call the dictionary, we'll see...
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