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Recent content by Eifie

  1. Eifie


  2. Eifie

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    whips out my notebook so, how bastard are we talking here...? (asking for a friend)
  3. Eifie

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    has anyone yet commented on the flavour because that ending was the cutest thing I have ever seen besides Wooloo
  4. Eifie

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    thank you everyone except MF!
  5. Eifie

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    no, the bet was on your alignment!
  6. Eifie

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    infamous?! excuse you?! also, I am instituting a new rule that whenever someone talks about me they should tag me so that I may more easily bask in the attention, good or bad also Keldeo owes me a drawing of Barfie 😁 thanks MF!
  7. Eifie

    you were missed!!!

    you were missed!!!
  8. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    stop doing setup spec dot mp3
  9. Eifie

    omg made by @Zori??? yo shit.

    omg made by @Zori??? yo shit.
  10. Eifie

    cute wolf ;_;

    cute wolf ;_;
  11. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    I have altered the game. pray that I do not alter it further
  12. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    (clearly he is good at mafia games since he won-)
  13. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    the AI-generated win condition idea is absolutely hilarious and I applaud you for it
  14. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    it's no longer mean to post this meme
  15. Eifie

    Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

    thank god everyone was in fact not town jeez
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