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  • :/

    On a brighter note,
    On the upside I have found what claims to be a Windows XP installation disc on eBay for £30. I have 3 hours to decide if I want it or not.
    I went to Ohio to visit my family and I saw the squirrels and I was like 'Aunt Jenny, look at how big that squirrel is! :O' and she was all 'what do you mean that squirrel is normal' and I was like 'didn't I hear about a few nuclear power plants around here?'
    RANDOM FACT: Squirrels in the northern U.S. are about twice as big as ones in the South. Like, housecat-sized up there, rat-sized down here. It's creepy.
    Prepare to facepalm a lot.

    Basically my computer started bitching at me saying the product key for the version of Windows 7 I had on there was wrong and I needed to go buy one. Bear in mind this is a good four months or so after the guy who fixed my laptop put Windows 7 on there and it had never mentioned it until then. So basically it just kept throwing annoying popups at me telling me to fix it and blacking out my wallpaper and eventually I got fed up, and since these product key thingies are like £30 I decided to get Linux or something instead because it's way cheaper and as far as I'd heard I'd be able to download something enabling me to use Windows programs on it and also keep Windows 7 on there as well in case Linux didn't work out. Anyway I installed Linux today and not only does Windows 7 not work any more but downloading stuff on this thing is the most complicated thing in the entire world. So basically there's a ton of programs I can't use any more, MSN is shitty and every Windows OS is unbelievably expensive so I'm pretty much stuck with it.
    I'm not honestly mad keen on it but that's probably just because I am by now programmed to think that you are Flora and anyone who suggests otherwise is a madman and a liar. c:
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