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  • They also seem to like emphasising that it's SEA salt. What difference does it make where the salt's from? :/

    Plus I hear the emphasis on ice cream is even greater than in the beginning of KH2. To the extent that the icon on the DS menu screen is an ice cream.

    Aw :< 358/2 Days is great. It's amazingly like KHII. Though I'm only up to about Day 14 so far and Axel has already said "got it memorised?" at least two dozen times. And Earthbound's looking kind of meh really; the battles had damn well better stop being so, well, dull and horrid.

    Also I was playing KH2 the other day and don't you think the Emperor in the Mulan world looks amazingly like Dumbledore?

    Plus today I got 358/2 Days and a thing that makes Earthbound finally work~
    That sounds nasty.

    Today I bought a booster pack of Pokémon cards on an impulse for no reason at all and guess what was the first card in there when I opened it :D
    Now go make some challenges so that I can ref them~

    (And post your commands in our battle too *shot*)
    :o Wowwwwww.

    I'm also getting another SNES adapter, which hopefully will allow me to play Super Mario RPG and Earthbound. If not it's £60+ down the drain D:
    Yeah, I think KH2 is a bit easier. Also better :P

    ALSO I bought 358/2 Days but I need to wait until it's delivered eventually.
    It took me forever to find Kairi a fish and then I kept dying like six times in Traverse Town.

    I think it's angry because I sold my old copy.
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