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  • :D

    Just need to put in a few things like "abilities and stuff stay the same" and "sometimes rubble falls on your head ouch".
    "Abandoned Stone Factory

    This arena is situated in the dilapidated warehouse of a factory employed at one time years ago to make evolution stones. It was evacuated about 20 years ago- possibly after some sort of accident, nobody knows. All they do know is there's radiation from the stones they worked with everywhere and the place is in terrible shape. After a lot of inspection and research by guys with Geiger counters and space suits, the radiation was declared harmless to humans and Pokémon. People who insist on entering for whatever strange reason are now allowed to do so.

    However, the radiation, though harmless, has some... interesting effects on Pokémon. Due to its intensity it can randomly mutate Pokémon into an entirely different species. Each round, both Pokémon will evolve at random into anything from Magikarp to Tyranitar- anything as long as it belongs to an evolutionary family. There are also samples of the factory's erstwhile stock lying under the rubble, meaning that Pokémon have a 1% chance of discovering a random evolution stone (3% for Pokémon with Pickup)."

    See you get my most awesome idea, cos you're awesome :3
    Dammit I was gonna battle you wasn't I, I promised Blazhy I'd fight her next.

    Eh, she'll understand~ I've got the most awesome arena idea.
    I actually finished at 12:30pm and I can't seem to get Super Mario RPG to work ><

    But gummy worms are delicious D:
    Oh, that makes much more sense. YAY~

    I finish school at 10:30am tomorrow and might get Super Mario RPG.
    I knooooow Epic Fail. I actually sat there for...a solid ten minutes all"...I...what is is I don't even - O:"

    "Oh my god. It's three years ago. Am I still crazy?" FFF x33

    IT was cooooool the first ep. Like a moviiiiiiiiiie. House freaking fleeeeeeeew no really. You know those...kinda air rings in a carnival? you put on a suit, they put the air on, and you 'fly'?

    Well he got to do that with an alusym patient who thought he was a supehero afgask

    That must have been so awesome to film~
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