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  • So yeah, it's one of those patriotic holidays where everybody generally goes about thinking how great their country is, with all the patriotism and thinking how great your country is removed. :)
    Maybe it's cos old George was in fact Turkish. But he killed a bloody dragon, for God's sake D:
    St George was the patron saint of England and today is his day. I suppose you could VERY loosely equate it to July 4th, Bastille Day etc., except it's nowhere near as widely celebrated or considered as big a deal by anybody at all.
    Fair enough :)
    Do you think it in any way inappropriate to wish non-English people a happy St George's Day?
    #Who lives in the East, 'neath the willow tree?
    Sexual Harrassment Panda.
    Who explains sexual harassment to you and me?
    Sexual Harassment Panda.
    "Don't say that! Don't touch there!
    Don't be nasty!" says the silly bear.
    He's come to tell you what's right and wrong.
    Sexual Harassment Panda.#
    Bwaaaaaaahhh I had something to say to you but I forgot what. I'll just settle for "it was the Queen's birthday yesterday" :)
    We all had to write a bit of the essay, fold up the paper so only the last sentence showed, then pass it round and have the next person continue it. I just made one point twice and another one three times. xD
    Kirby 64 came today, too :)
    Well, on Wednesday I have the first four periods free, so can't complain. (I'm meant to study for three of them but shhhhh.)
    Well, I got away with the not doing homework pretty well. Turns out the essay on Lenin was to be done in class. Though we were supposed to prepare for it... I was able to wing it pretty well though :D
    ...actually you probably have better things to do over the next quarter of a day than have me holding onto you so that I can't be made to attend school by being physically forced, so I'll let go. :)

    I wish Monday wasn't so darn full of lessons ><;;
    Gaaaaah, I'd better go to sleep, I need to be up for school in about 7 hours... but I don't wanna gooooooooo D:
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