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  • Socrates, Nietzsche, Shopenhauer, Aristotle, Descartes and Confucius.
    ...dammit I just noticed Shopenhauer won't fitr >:(
    No, I didn't really think that one through. :(
    Anyway, I've decided on names for my philosophers Pokémon team. And my mum put my wages in the bank today, so I can afford a WiFi thing. (Though I might wait til next week so I still have a decent amount left after I buy it.)
    But then I like a lot of girls' names... in fact somebody could probably name their daughter Pus or something and I'd love it :)
    Oh, and I also now Rasputin looks kinda scary...

    ...I was embellishing slightly in that last message. xD

    (And don't worry, I know Rachel's a name :) A nice name.)
    VIETNAM WAR: America went to war with Vietnam. They lost.
    TSARIST RUSSIA: There was this guy called Tsar Nicholas II. He died. There was this guy called Rasputin. He died too. There was this guy called Lenin. He made Russia all Communist.

    ...that's the extent of my knowledge on each subject. 8D

    Also wtf Firefox, first Rachel now Rasputin, do you recognise ANYONE'S name
    Yay =)
    Seriously though, I'm awful in History this year. Nothing's gone in in the past 7 months and I have exams in about 5 weeks ><
    If it makes you feel better I have a pile of homework I've not even made a start on due in on Monday. Including an essay on Lenin, which if I can actually do it at all, will be awful.

    Then they too are MY enemies. (Except my older sister, who's kinda cool and has never impeded any group projects of mine. Not that I've had any.)
    See if people just thought to save their newspapers we'd've had this technology centuries ago. Recycling is the enemy of science.
    Well if you need it this badly I'll buy the paper anyway.
    Of course nobody will still have The Times from last Sunday so I'll just need to build a time machine, go back then and- oh crap.
    I'd send you one but in my house we only get the Oxford Mail. And sometimes The Sun, but we're not perverts.
    They MIGHT work, but you don't really want to mess with the space time continuum.
    And it took ME forever to realize your mind-kill avvie was Tadase. He's my favorite character~ I still love that mind-kill Tadase. It fits.
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