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  • Wow, in English moneys that's only... *does rough calculation in head* Not much at all!!!

    (And OK, I admit it, I want his babies just a little bit there I said it.)
    Yaaaaaaay~ Hurry up so you can get T&T and play against Godot and see how sexy- er, I mean awesome he is.


    ...oops, sorry, wrong case.
    But then you could learn to speak Italian. You'd learn all sorts of handy phrases, like "Pikachu", and "Professor Oak".
    You need the entire series, even if JFA does have awful courtroom music.

    (Btw, I double checked at school today, and I do indeed beat you by half a Jess. >:3)
    I love the Blue Badger. Why oh why did I give away AA, except for to introduce Mil to Feenie's amazing awesomeness~

    I didn't know you played Ace Attorney :D
    Well, if the local people had had more daughters named Jess during the school year I was born, I'd win this contest more easily.

    ...I think that nearly made sense. Hold me.
    I think it's my fault for caring about pointless things. Or the inhabitants of West Oxfordshire who had daughters between September 1991 and July 1992, and decided to call them something other than "Jess", or who called them Jess but sent them to some other school.
    In this freaked-out piece of Mike Logic, yes, you are.

    And as your school contains 0 boys, proportionally I am infinite Mikes. (Just shut up and let me win ;.;)

    I have defeated you. Your school consists entirely of girls, and so for argument's sake has twice the proportion. Therefore, proportionally, you only have two and a half Jesses, meaning I win by half a Jess!

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