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  • Sorry for not replying - I was flooded with VMs and many things went down into the depths, if you know what I mean.

    Ah, I see. Gosh darn it, I really wish I could be of more help! I wish you the best with this, and I hope that soon you'll be able to find a way out of this mess. Ugh, I honestly feel a bit worthless not being able to help someone with something like this. I'm really sorry. But you could always ask other authors! If I were you I would ask around and see what other people have to say on this matter. It's worth a shot~
    Hmm, have you ever tried combining the ideas? When I write things, I get various ideas, and I try my best to put them into the story without completely going off topic or making things confusing. Of course, I can't put them all in, but I do what I can. I too end having trouble with completing one fanfiction and then starting another, but I try. :/
    Ah. Alright, that does answer my question. There is just this old fanfic called Pokemon Academy, and one of the authors is named Foxfire.
    Well, that's very good! Haha, the people here are quite weird and silly, but that's what makes TCoD fun. And that's very good, I'll have to take a look!
    Hi! :D

    Haha, on the side of your profile you can see the people who have visited your profile. People with a plus sign next to their username are your friends, and people with bolded names are moderators and admins~ Oh, and I do suggest that you click 'View Conversation, on the right hand side of my post and post there. That way, I get notified of your reply~ You can do it that way, or post on my profile. But of course if you prefer to reply on your own profile I have no problem with that! :D

    So, how have you been? Enjoying the Fourms? :3
    Hi, Mini_Moonwalker! It's nice to see that someone actually bothered to go to my profile . . .
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