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Recent content by Jason-Kun

  1. Jason-Kun

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    So can we please have Team Skull be street level villains this time? I'm getting tired of the villains always going after the mascots.
  2. Jason-Kun

    What's the canon timeline between the generations?

    Bumping this because ORAS has some...interesting spoilers in regards to the timeline.
  3. Jason-Kun

    [OR/AS] ORAS Progress

    I'm not very far since I wasted a lot of time both resetting for a female Mudkip and searching for a Beautifly only to discover that you can't catch them at all. That said I'm only just outside of Petalburg since I haven't been playing much at all.
  4. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Except you don't need customization in order to play as yourself and you are playing as Brendan/May given that those are their canon names. Not to mention neither Brendan nor May are white. All the player characters up until generation five are Japanese.
  5. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Because May and Brendan's designs are iconic and aside from updates some people do't sit well with the idea of being able to change that. Like me.
  6. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    No it's not. These are remakes of an older set of games. They don't need customization and I for one am glad they didn't include it.
  7. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    The Pokemon Center and PokeMarts are already confirmed to be seperate buildings though. You can see the separate buildings for them in various trailers.
  8. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Mega Snowbro is cute. Don't have much of an opinion on Mega Audio though.
  9. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Personally I think ORAS is doing a bad job at redesigns in general. There are some exceptions like Brendn, May and Team Magma but otherwise I'm not a big fan of most of the redesigns.
  10. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    The Pokemon Center and PokeMart are separate again.
  11. Jason-Kun

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    YESSSSSSSS! I've been waiting for this since we got HeartGold and SoulSilver. My hype cannot be contained.
  12. Jason-Kun

    Pokemon X/Y

    The starters and legendaries were both revealed at the same time.
  13. Jason-Kun

    Pokemon X/Y

    Girl is cute. Most of those pokemon look like potential team members as well.
  14. Jason-Kun

    Pokemon X/Y

    Did she also mention a Torkoal evolution? She might have been referring to these supposed leaks. At least that's what I was referring to.
  15. Jason-Kun

    Pokemon X/Y

    So anyone seen the rumored leaks?
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