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Recent content by Living Arrow

  1. Living Arrow

    Favorite Songs?

    The song that goes "What kind of pokemon are you? How do you do the things you doooo?" Love the bit where it goes: "Don't ya bug me, with a Caterpie!"
  2. Living Arrow

    Hey Hey Hey!

    Sounds like a rip-off of "Electric Shock Showdown" from Season 1 :(
  3. Living Arrow

    What's your real name?

    Another David :)
  4. Living Arrow

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    Wow, people are pretty good lookin! Keep up the beauty treatments, everyone! This is me (guy) drinking tea, but not eating cod. And this is me at my fave club (again, the guy)!
  5. Living Arrow

    D/P/Pt What Pokemon completed your Sinnoh Dex?

    When we say "complete", do we mean by capture or seeing it in game? By sight, I think Dialga was mine - thanks to that old woman. As for catching them, I have absolutely no idea.
  6. Living Arrow

    Which Eeveelution is the most Powerful?

    It completely depends on the tier your opponent is agreeing to play with. For sheer attack power, however, Flareon Espeon and Glaceon have the highest base attacks out of the set. However, you have to take into account movepool. Since Flareon is so limited, it is probably the "weakest" of the...
  7. Living Arrow

    What is your favorite starter (final evolution)?

    I voted Typhlosion. But I have to say - whats the deal with no-one supporting gen 4??? Torterra kicks rear-end :p
  8. Living Arrow

    D/P/Pt My in-game Team

    My In-Game team doesn't really exist anymore, but it used to be: Crobat Quagsire Ambipom Rapidash Blissey Torterra then I'd cycle around my HM slaves - Bibarel and Staraptor
  9. Living Arrow

    D/P/Pt Do you use the GPS?

    Only to try and pick up legends with nice natures. The best thing I got was an Uxie with 3 stats with IVs over 27 and Modest nature. Still hunting nice Regis though. Aside from that, I only use it to clone :p
  10. Living Arrow

    Meowth can learn thunderbolt!

    It's not surprising anymore - my Persian uses it as an NP sweeper. But I remember when I first saw a Persian use thunderbolt in the orange league part of the anime and thinking that it was pretty stupid. Also, Tyson's Meowth :unsure:
  11. Living Arrow

    If you had a Pokemon Gym...

    I'd go for a flying gym with moving, floating platforms for the contenders to send flightless pokemon onto. Of course, there would be no roof, so flying types could take the battle upwards. A fog machine would create a fog-section near the top of the arena for flying types to hide in, should...
  12. Living Arrow

    Big waves!

    :grin: Hey people! Living Arrow's the name, dunno how I came up with that one... aaaaanywho! New to the site so saying my hellos before I get to posting. A few quick facts on me and Pokemon - I love flying, bug and normal types :love: and the NU tier rock my world.
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