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  • Clearly, by bringing up witchcraft, you're referring to something that you don't understand, which causes intense fear or loathing to color your opinion. Implying, then, that simply by not understanding something you have the innate right to be repulsed by it. Also, there's the historical reference underlying your accusation, which is not unlike the accusations put forward in the Salem trials, where innocent people were accused of ridiculous devilry by paranoid neighbors. This was due mainly from either genuine distrust in a New-World attempt at Puritan piety, or sheer envy from whatever the accused had that the accusers didn't have. From all of this, I conclude that you are being a Judgy McJudgerpants.
    The snow is mostly gone, and look at the pavement. Pavement is mostly not bees. I'm going to head over to the hospital, see if I can get this mole looked at.
    Bees followed me into the car and cut the brakes. God, I might be high. Good thing it was only another mile to the hospital SHUT UP BEES I'M WRITING IN MY DIARY JOURNAL

    Go to hospital
    hospital is bees. Already, how? I just got here. No, wait, it's just my glasses. My glasses were definitely bees.

    I didn't schedule an appointment or anything, but the nurse called a panic team or whatever it is and they ran me to a doctor. How thoughtful, but it's really not an emergency. I really just need them to look at a mole. Except that the mole is bees.

    The doctors looked at me and said they didn't see anything wrong. Well, of course there's nothing wrong, except the bees. And the bleeding, but that's to be expected from beestings. They argued for a while, and then sent me away.
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