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  • Мне нравится, как "Google" часть того, что пошел непереведенным. Как-то Ранг-продакт-плейсмент.
    Are you implying that you are going to get a Solosis and use it until it evolves enough to be at the same evolutionary level as Gelatin™
    No because by then hopefully Gelatin™ will be a Reuniclus, which takes 9 EXP to get to
    Also I really don't expect anyone with a Solosis to be evolving them anytime soon
    Но теперь у вас есть. Таким образом, вы можете быть все, что угодно сейчас. Даже Кебуано.
    Кажется, так. Но я оставляю за собой право изменять свою национальность в любое время.
    Here I will list out the pokemon in my active squad list (according to this) which I will definitely not be using: Dewott, Archen, Snorunt, and Mawile

    Anything else is considered fair game for me to send out
    Donc, nous pouvons dire ne importe quoi et ce est valable? У меня есть внезапное влечение к тыквы печенье.
    I'm not interested in completely curbstomping you, so I won't be using a water-type once my Misdreavus dies faints
    For what it's worth, I can tell you that Fennekin knows Psych Up. That could help get her attack/special attack back up.

    Also :(

    (also you failed to take into consideration that misdreavus knows endure in our battle)
    Mais comment les singes se inscrivent dans de toute façon? Ne serait-ce que votre rafale de nez?
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