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  • We have two days of lazy shit to get reintroduced, forms to fill out, and then the weekend. The first week is sorta lazy, yeah. But hey, this is eighth, might be different!

    ...so you imagined Shawn and Gus watching you in the shower while Jules was in there with y-*shot* Whatever floats yer boat, bb! x3

    (also I think I started to draw dat Pyro. I accidentally made him kinda cute wat D: His face needs moar scars I think.)
    Oh yes. Howie did an awful job at "being mad" though. He knew it was funny.

    Oh yes, I voted for him a couple of times. Only because of this incident.
    ...sorta is, kekeke :3c Except really marbleized, so if you do happen to walk in by accident you can't see anything really.

    Don't worry, dear~ (maybe it's because I'm still in eighth but I get schedules on the first day in school hurr)
    I'd be bored and :C a lot.

    For the TF2 oc's, my others are pretty mixed bag if I ever think of it :B

    I blame Kat for that. I blame Kat for everything.
    WELL YOU ARE SO YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT seriously i dunno what i'd do without you as a badass pal.

    At least he's authentic at :B also fun fact: I think he's the only completely straight oc I have, since Demolady's right now is a huge mystery (all I know is she's a badass, has an eyepatch like all Demos do, although it might be for show and will not take your shit lying down) and Russell's a big ol' dork for his doc, hurf durf

    who said that was a bad thing? o:
    hnnn you are amazing waifu do you know this

    Not really egotistical persay (he's the youngest of the three, 24 compared to Demolady's 27 and Engie's 42, so he's more 'pfft what do you mean I can't just set him alight man :C aww fine you prolly know whatcher doin') more like...he gets embarrassed pretty easily so it's more of a 'NO U' thing

    and okay i'm going to go type up everything in a giant PM cause imma faaag
    That's what I was going for! Every official class (Pyro's an official class but because of that mask no one knows what he/she/it is and stuff) is different look-wise, nationality wise (okay actually Scout, Engie and Soldier all all American but from different parts and stuff) and personality wise, so yeah C:

    He also has Shawn-like snappy dialogue. And he can make a good strategy and all, but going in fire blazing and running around is fun for him, and he sees this whole thing as fun (unless there's no respawn, then he is quite the opposite)

    hnnn a-at this point I'll have to PM you, this shit gets longer and longer and I haen't even gotten into my Demolady and Engie--*shot*

    ohgod do you mind D;
    He's actually only one OC, I have three. Hickory's the Alaskan one (aaa d-do Eskimos live north *shot*) and uh, just imagine a wiry, kinda short guy recklessly throwing himself in danger a lot (lol Respawn :B There are maps without it and if he gets on one of those, he suddenly gets all hyper-focused so he doesn't die) and gets jittery on coffee like whoa.

    I'd explain the others but I'm surprised you haven't slapped me from never shutting my trap on TF2 things, hurr durr D:
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