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Recent content by mewtini

  1. mewtini


  2. mewtini

    twitter mafia sounds terrifying

    twitter mafia sounds terrifying
  3. mewtini

    oh my GOD hello! everyone's coming back! i swear i remember this username somewhat (also i just...

    oh my GOD hello! everyone's coming back! i swear i remember this username somewhat (also i just saw our old messages so sweet ...) but did you ever have another one that i might also recognize??
  4. mewtini

    Game Queue Redux

    wtf where did you all come from. \o/ i'm sure i could poke some people who haven't checked in lately too ... @Ephemera i would ideally not host rn, but if you have the bandwidth to run i would totally join. i'm in the middle of a school quarter right now :") i was going to say i won't text you...
  5. mewtini


  6. mewtini

    Game Queue Redux

    always interested
  7. mewtini

    let's make it happen

    let's make it happen
  8. mewtini

    Is there anyone else still here?

    wow ... i remember you too! that's so sad to hear
  9. mewtini

    Is there anyone else still here?

    whoaaa i didn't know you were still around
  10. mewtini

    What are you listening to?

    and since then, 80% of what i listen to is kpop. Kms
  11. mewtini

    i would also love to get your discord!!

    i would also love to get your discord!!
  12. mewtini

    Is there anyone else still here?

    the fact that you remember me is making me genuinely emotional ZM played mafia with us recently actually (well, within the last couple years)
  13. mewtini

    Is there anyone else still here?

    OH MY GODDDDD i was thinking about you!! skylar and i were literally talking about you the other day!!
  14. mewtini

    Is there anyone else still here?

    some of us are here do not worry! and aw -- i remember every person you named ... a few of them have fully moved on/i'm not in contact with them at all. unfortunately, i think much of the forum age has died, but i find it hard not to keep hanging around here out of habit. your profile says it...
  15. mewtini

    Game Queue Redux

    awwww. if we get enough people i'll do it!
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