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Recent content by Minkow

  1. Minkow

    Ahh, I see. I'll be taking quite a break soon too because my high school summer prep just ended...

    Ahh, I see. I'll be taking quite a break soon too because my high school summer prep just ended today. Which is quite a relief. Hope you have fun on your vacation!
  2. Minkow

    I'm fine as well. A bit overwhelmed with Regents preparations, high school entrance exams, and...

    I'm fine as well. A bit overwhelmed with Regents preparations, high school entrance exams, and all the like but overall I'm pretty fine.
  3. Minkow

    hi how're you doing?

    hi how're you doing?
  4. Minkow

    hello long time no see. (That is, if you still remember me...?)

    hello long time no see. (That is, if you still remember me...?)
  5. Minkow

    In 30 days and two months it will be 11/11/11.

    In 30 days and two months it will be 11/11/11.
  6. Minkow


  7. Minkow

    Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (DAY 5)

    Re: Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (NIGHT 3) ...That's a hard question. I'd like to see how people react to my defense before being sent to the gallows is all. ♥
  8. Minkow

    Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (DAY 5)

    Re: Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (NIGHT 3) I don't think she posted anyways. Is it still daytime?
  9. Minkow

    Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (DAY 5)

    Re: Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (NIGHT 3) I love being asleep and finding myself lynched~ Frankly, all I can really say is that I'm innocent. I'm giving away the fact that I'm a Morobareru, and I'm another dayblocker. My night action isn't really helpful anyways and Mafia just makes my...
  10. Minkow

    did you get that insane ice this morning i literally tripped the moment i walked out the front door.

    did you get that insane ice this morning i literally tripped the moment i walked out the front door.
  11. Minkow

    Personality Types!

    INFJ here.
  12. Minkow

    Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (DAY 5)

    Re: Alien-Free Zeburaika Unova Mafia (NIGHT 0) It might be a vigilante kill, if there is a vig...But since Karkat was waiting for the Mafia to make their move before posting, it's probably a mafia kill. horrible logic i know Yay, first day wtf-ery. I'm personally leaning towards the garbage...
  13. Minkow

    What? It's still going over here. We got to miss math team and disrupted the entire wing with...

    What? It's still going over here. We got to miss math team and disrupted the entire wing with our cheering. Once I was sitting next to this old lady. And then she scooched up to me and got all motherly and started going all "Good evening, dearie. How was your day?" I got off at the next stop...
  14. Minkow

    hey hey It's going to snow (again) tomorrow. Around 3 to 6 inches, they say. I'm just keeping...

    hey hey It's going to snow (again) tomorrow. Around 3 to 6 inches, they say. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed because I have double Math tomorrow and weird old ladies on the street are raving about Little Italy when I said it had Italian cuisine to a friend. I mean, Queens is a nice place...
  15. Minkow

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II Got Google Chrome and it's a lot better than IE. Whoo~ Also, I'm acing US History for the first time in five years! The snow from the 26th hasn't melted yet in my part of NYC, so it's pretty much been nonstop dodging from snowballs all week, which tbh, is actually...
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