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  • You eat so much metaphorical dick it's unreal is what I'm saying

    At least fourteen bags a day
    And they fixed the window in the Anor Londo cathedral, so it's not all bad news
    I let it gently set my clothing alight and then merrily sat in front of it until the world turned into credits
    It's a fun statistic to have if nothing else

    Apparently Sentinels and Darkmoons just get summoned to help Way of the Blue members and WoBs do fuck all except get babysat. Which is pointless since it seems most players ditch Way of the Blue as soon as they get any other covenant. Sucks they took out sin really
    Soul memory's not a thing on the status page any more, so I presume SL.

    Also is it just me or are there three different covenants that are basically just Blades of the Darkmoon? I count Way of the Blue, Blue Sentinels, and I've definitely been counter-invaded by an actual Blade of the Darkmoon. Are they literally all the same thing
    I've heard it supposedly prioritises worlds that are already being invaded, so you're still engaging in jolly cooperation, only with the dark spirit! Pretty sure I've been alone every time I've invaded outside of Aldritch Faithfuls though so idk. Frankly it'd be better if it only connected you to those worlds to even out all the ganking.

    Also yeah I'm finally actively doing PvP now, sometimes I even win. (Not through skill or anything, just mostly when I'm against people who are even less good than me or make considerable mistakes or get too cosy around me when I'm madbroing)
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