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Recent content by Monoking

  1. Monoking


  2. Monoking

    if that's you in the discord server, i promise to destroy you if you don't fess up if not, reply...

    if that's you in the discord server, i promise to destroy you if you don't fess up if not, reply and let me know if you don't know what this means although lying to me is not a wise idea since i'm generally not an idiot, and it seems like there's a fair bit of evidence -- vegeta
  3. Monoking

    hope you're ok

    hope you're ok
  4. Monoking

    hope you're doing ok

    hope you're doing ok
  5. Monoking

    hope you're ok

    hope you're ok
  6. Monoking

    hope you're ok

    hope you're ok
  7. Monoking

    hope you're ok

    hope you're ok
  8. Monoking

    I hope you're okay, too.

    I hope you're okay, too.
  9. Monoking

    Twine Users Club!

    Here is a thing! Twine, in case you're unfamiliar, is a coding language that's super easy to begin in and fun to use. I just recently finished part one of my Big Game and I would love talking to others about Twine? Suggesting fun games, etc?? Official site: https://twinery.org Some misc...
  10. Monoking

    The "Fwee" Thread

    actually made progress wiTH MY GAME... being an indie gamer is Hard and I love it.
  11. Monoking

    1,000 Things not to do on an airplane

    81. eat the airplane piece by piece
  12. Monoking

    hi there.

    hi there.
  13. Monoking

    heya, part infinity

    Hello, hello!
  14. Monoking

    So this is a thing.

    Welcome, have some tea and cod.
  15. Monoking

    Hello. Again.

    Thanks, everyone. I am probably going to pursue ASB eventually, because I'm actually interested in running a Pokemon RP site in a few years and pratcice w/ batting will do me good. Is the RP forum dead or something?
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