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Recent content by Psychic Kobra

  1. Psychic Kobra

    Ok. You really think it was good? I knew it was rubbish but posted it anyway.

    Ok. You really think it was good? I knew it was rubbish but posted it anyway.
  2. Psychic Kobra

    Sprites and pixel art....but it's not as bad as Pokemon Green Mew.*Shudders*

    Sprites and pixel art....but it's not as bad as Pokemon Green Mew.*Shudders*
  3. Psychic Kobra

    Sure! I'm the world's worst spriter, but it's worth a shot! If you want to see my terrible...

    Sure! I'm the world's worst spriter, but it's worth a shot! If you want to see my terrible sprite, go to the thread marked Sabrago, Desert Ruler.
  4. Psychic Kobra


    I'll catch it!
  5. Psychic Kobra


    Ok, I'm gonna take both. (Even though I hate Unown because it's super annoying in the games!)
  6. Psychic Kobra

    Ok, have u joined yet?

    Ok, have u joined yet?
  7. Psychic Kobra

    You can! Which one r u joining????

    You can! Which one r u joining????
  8. Psychic Kobra

    In Progress The Fox and the Primrose (The Hunger Games)

    This is great! Loooooove it! :D
  9. Psychic Kobra


    I catch the Pichu, but leave the Dubious disc cos I already have one!
  10. Psychic Kobra


    I wanna pick it up! It's silver and Egylem broke out of his ball to touch it!
  11. Psychic Kobra


    I guess I'll explore!
  12. Psychic Kobra

    Yup, Richie now hates me, but she can't keep me out of fish jumpers! I bounce back!

    Yup, Richie now hates me, but she can't keep me out of fish jumpers! I bounce back!
  13. Psychic Kobra


    I feel like catching a male, so I'll catch that friendly looking male In the corner! :D
  14. Psychic Kobra


    I'm goin' in!
  15. Psychic Kobra

    Errrr....Mum's not home >:)

    Errrr....Mum's not home >:)
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