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  • Ooh, I love trolls in reality! My high school was full of them. It got to the point where even the administrators didn't bother with them anymore. Luckily they weren't particularly destructive.
    Then the human race will disown them. Unless of course the writer is a troll, in which case they were never really human to begin with.
    Indeed they were. But on the bright side, it allows us to maintain our faith in humanity.
    XD You're too kind. But seriously, try and tell me that those summaries were born from a human mind.
    It's like the little twelve-year-olds sacrificed themselves to the Eldritch Gods of their Darkest Desires, leaving nothing more than an empty shell that seems intent on horrifying the sane ones of the world with their awful visions.
    That, or they never had an English lesson in their lives.
    Fair point. Some of them are really stomach-churning. And by "them" I mean the summaries. DX
    ... Though if you can stomach rooting through the 90%, there really is some good stuff to be found.
    Yep. That's why Fanfiction.Net is, for the most part, torture ... and yet I can't look away. o.0
    Sturgeon's Law? It states that 90% of everything is crap. And in regards to fanfiction, it is very, very right. :X
    And with really good fanfiction. Which can be worth it, considering Sturgeon's law.
    Oh man. I've spent like 12 hours straight on that site. You know how sometimes you're really into something and eventually glance at the clock only to realize it's three in the morning? That was me last semester. All the freakin' time.
    Stupid sexy TV Tropes.
    There are worse addictions out there, don't worry. Like TV Tropes.
    ... Well, not necessarily worse. More addictive, that's it.
    Huh, that's interesting. I guess you never really get bored of your music, then, since you have so much to choose from. Pretty sweet.
    Yes, it's a very wide variety. And then I listen to some classical music on top of that. :o
    So what kind(s) do you listen to?
    Don't worry too much about it. Musical solos are fine to play too.
    Ah, music. I never get around to listening to it much v_v Although there's plenty of 80s rock that's good, such as Journey and the Eagles. Plus some pop like Lady Gaga and Owl City thrown in. I don't know the names of any bands o0;
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