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    Oh and I got an AR for my DS. I has shiny Darkrai and Shaymin 8D And a Surfing Charizard~
    I just got to some village and rescued Vivi from out of a box.

    I <33333333333333 THIS GAME
    But Steiner's an arse.
    If only.
    Look for the Rayman Club on here and click the link somewhere in there to the video of what Rayman 2 was gonna look like.
    Mr Dark > Captain Razorbeard >>> André >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FUCKING RABBIDS
    I know rite? o.o
    Wait til you get to Space Mama...
    (I just need to find 4 more cages and I can fight Mr Dark 8D)
    I saw it in a review ages and ages and ages ago, it was like the first thing that piqued my interest in FF =D And yes Vivi is win.

    I was gonna get FFVII, but thought it too expensive... then got IX which cos even more o.o
    Then go through a time portal to the past and get one. AND DON'T COME BACK
    (today I also got Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time and Final Fantasy XII. And Final Fantasy IX should be coming from eBay soon)
    Thank you~
    I got the Wii remake today and even though I only played the demo years and years ago and I barely remember it at all it was so damn nostalgic squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ =DDD
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