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  • One that is a lighter. If you touch the screen the top comes off and then if you touch it again, that awesome little fucker LIGHTS UP. SHIT YEAH IT DOES.

    And another where the screen FILLS THE FUCK UP WITH BEER. And if you tilt it towards your mouth, it drains out in the direction you tilt the iPhone and it LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE DRINKING THAT SHIT.

    And best off all, one that makes a noise like a FUCKING ELECTRIC RAZOR so you can drag the iPhone across your face and PRETEND YOU ARE FUCKING SHAVING. You can't do that shit without the iPhone and make the noise yourself.

    (The excessive swearing was a satirical device to make it sarcastically seem more impressive. If you were impressed at any point, you suck.)

    And don't forget you're coming round on Sunday~
    So you can play it while saying "DANCE WATER DANCE" annoyingly?

    Speaking of annoying... if Scott ever approaches you clutching his iPhone, for fuck's sake run.
    And when I tried to foist Sonic Heroes off on GAME they wouldn't take it because it had no manual =/

    Of course the problem with trading in is they rip you off enormously.
    Yes, but the fact that it's not brand new probably devalues it slightly.

    So if you tried to sell it for £90 they'd be all CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, STAR FOX
    Well, I doubt it's brand new and mint condition, so it'll probably only be a few quid.

    Like the copy I ordered. DO A BARREL ROLL
    He must have some stuff in there worth an absolute fortune. :o I was looking for N64 games on Amazon and eBay yesterday and some of them are over £40... a brand new copy of Lylat Wars goes for about £90 o.o

    I haven't seen Searchy in aaages. I'm feeling my sanity grow back a little, I swear.
    It's been five minutes Reece, have some patience -.-;;

    You still coming Sunday? (My N64 got working by the way :D)
    את אנטימון, arsenic, אלומיניום, סלניום, הוא
    מימן, חמצן, חנקן ו rhenium,
    ו ניקל, Neodymium, neptunium, germanium,
    ברזל, americium, ruthenium, ו אורניום,
    Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium,
    Lanthanum את osmium ו ו ו Astatine Radium,
    זהב protactinium ו indium ו gallium, (תויללכו מדיניות אבטחה), חוץ
    יוד thorium ו ו ו thulium ו thallium.

    יש Yttrium, Ytterbium, actinium, rubidium,
    בנוסף, בור, Gadolinium, niobium, Iridium,
    Strontium של סיליקון ו ו ו Samarium כסף,
    ו bismuth, ו ברום, וכן ליתיום, beryllium ו barium.

    Holmium Erbium ו הליום ו hafnium קיים
    ו Francium, זרחן, פלואור ו Terbium,
    , מרקורי, מנגן, molybdenum, ו מגנזיום,
    Scandium ו dysprosium, cerium ו cesium.
    ו, ו Praseodymium פלטינה, פלוטוניום,
    Palladium, promethium, אשלגן, polonium,
    Technetium tantalum ועל טיטן, tellurium, (תויללכו מדיניות אבטחה), חוץ
    , Cadmium, כרום, סידן, ו Curium.

    של גופרית ו Fermium californium, Berkelium, את
    ו Mendelevium, Einsteinium, Nobelium,
    בנוסף, ארגון, krypton, נאון, radon, xenon, אבץ, rhodium,
    כלור, פחמן, cobalt, נחושת, וולפרם, בדיל ו נתרן.

    הודעות אלה מגיעות Hahvard אשר צפויים
    אולי הרבה אחרים, אבל הם לא Discahvered ..
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