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Recent content by ShadowUmbreon

  1. ShadowUmbreon

    Your Pokemon game-ography

    This is going to be totally out of order... Blue Yellow Red Stadium Hey, You Pikachu! Snap Pinball Puzzle League Stadium 2 Silver Gold Crystal TCG Sapphire Ruby Colisseum RS Pinball Emerald Channel Red Rescue Team XD Ranger Diamond Platinum SoulSilver Ranch I got most of the N64 games at the...
  2. ShadowUmbreon

    Hello's the word :>

    Post taken ;) Alto, Tenor, Bari, or Soprano? Also, welcome and I hope you have fun here!
  3. ShadowUmbreon

    Stupid things you thought were true

    Me too!! -I believed that holding a+ up on the control pad would cause the pokemon to be caught immediately even if it had full HP. -There was an evolution of Raichu that had a name suspiciously like Raikou. -And I also believed the Mew trick... I was a gullible little Pokemon freak. :)
  4. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    We started learning drill in band today! :D
  5. ShadowUmbreon

    The Bank

    -30 for an area.
  6. ShadowUmbreon

    Beat the Picture Above

  7. ShadowUmbreon

    Cosmo Forums

    So, faggotry is bannable and not that. Joy. Also, I do not enjoy getting a PM that tells me to join a forum. Especially if the subject of the PM reads "slutty bitch".
  8. ShadowUmbreon

    The Clue Game

    Yep. I tried :/
  9. ShadowUmbreon

    Your All Time 5 Favourite Movies (Oh and least favourite)

    Favorites (in no paticular order): -Monty Python and the Holy Grail -Shaun of the Dead -The Hudsucker Proxy -UP -Anything having to do with Harry Potter. (only because the books were fantastic) -The Invention of Lying Movies That Make My Brain Explode -Twilight -Some odd movie I saw at my...
  10. ShadowUmbreon

    The Clue Game

    As Blazie already said, that is not the point of this thread. And putting up the answers would ruin the fun of figuring out Butterfree's rediculously hard games. :) Oh, and any help for Clue 23 would be fantastic! :D
  11. ShadowUmbreon


    Umbreon. And this is the 1337th thread in this topic. O.O
  12. ShadowUmbreon

    How did you become a Pokémon fan?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon fan? When I was four, my next door neighbors let me play their GBC Pokemon game. (I think it was Blue). I then demanded a GBA and Pokemon, which I got, even thought the GBA was technically my little brother's. Then a year later I got my own GBA, Yellow version...
  13. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Summer band has started! I might get a cell phone before band ends! I'm moving next week! And if I can get to McDonalds to get the Wi-Fi event for the Soul Dew, life will be perfect for the time being!!:grin:
  14. ShadowUmbreon

    What are you reading?

    I'm reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte for school. But I'm thinking about rereading Harry Potter for the second time this month... I'm immersing myself until the first part of the last movie comes out. :grin:
  15. ShadowUmbreon

    Pal Park

    Ignore. Too many pink Pokemon scare me...
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