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The "Fwee" Thread

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At the risk of sounding like a certain awful character, someone is my sun. I'm like a planet, orbiting, getting closer. Someday I hope that we will collide into a fiery explosion of passion and the universe will accept our love.

Is that creepy sounding?
They say that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I disagree; I think that whatever doesn't kill you shows you your own strength.

I think I'm definitely stronger now.
hung out with a friend for a day. it was fun.

we watched my performance (as an ensemble member) in the local all-male high school's play.

we found it ironic that one of our friends couldn't perform in a song about getting laid at the senior prom at that particular performance...cause he couldn't find his pants.
I'm gonna try and sit with some one on the bus tomorrow!

Also, a friend is having a party sunday, and he is also invited!

And it think the one friend IRL who knows told another two of her/my friends, and they are okay with it!

*happy bubble*
I seem to be more motivated than I used to ever since that happy realization I had. Now I actually feel motivated to write long posts and comments, something I haven't felt in a long time. I really think that things are going the right way, other than a near nervous breakdown I had today, but that turned out okay and nothing really bad happened so I'm happy and relieved about that too. Also, I got accepted into a college, and finally my life has direction.

Lastly, more things about friends... another friend I haven't mentioned yet at all who I used to find a bit annoying, after having a bit of an honest and heartfelt talk (maaan, how many of these things have I DONE nowadays) with them I now find really awesome and amusing. Like, there were so many things under the surface that I didn't know about... now I actually enjoy our conversations. Oh and related to that, I finally yet another friend about how our friendship's been drifting apart and expressed my anger at them (in a calm and sensible way), and it sort of was like this kick in the pants to them to actually pay attention to me, and now they're trying again and they even apologized for just ignoring me. I dunno. I think heartfelt chats make everything better. They seem to in my life, at least.

Lots of good things. I hope they last.
Yaayyy! ^_^ I was going to go to the Lady Gaga show at Lollapalooza, but my dad was short on money and we couldn't - however, he and his girlfriend promised they'd buy me tickets to next year's Ohio Monster Ball show. Even though we live 6 hours away in Illinois. So as a consolation prize, we went to Wal-Mart to get me my first ever actual CD albums (which I already had on iTunes :P) - The E.N.D. by Black Eyed Peas, Life Starts Now by Three Days Grace, Dark Horse by Nickelback, and then two more.

I got the VERY LAST copies of The Fame and The Fame Monster (Normal Artwork) in our town's Wal-Mart. There weren't even any left in storage. :D :D And those two albums are pretty much my spoken-word bible. :D

Band competition today, we did pretty well. Best I've ever sounded this summer.

Told one of my male friends about being bi, and he was totally okay with it. His girlfriend is bi, so that helped a bit. We sat together and talked all the four hours home.

Also, we got dinner at a mall, and went to Borders, and I bought 'Best Bach, 100.' That's right, 100 Bach songs for twenty bucks. Pure win
It's my sixteenth birthday!!
But anyways, I got a piano book, so now I'm going to be playing piano again. Yay! (and a book on greek grammar that I can use in conjunction with a greek-english dictionary).
OMFG...a ton of stuff has happened to me this summer. Came to terms that I am bi, told several of my closest friends, and that's pretty much where the happiness starts. FROM THERE...

One of my best friends, right after I told him I was bi, told me he was homophobic. I thought our friendship was done for, but then after we talked and hung out a bit, we act like brothers now. He is...amazing. But even that word doesn't do him justice.

I also developed a crush on a girl whom, for the past three years, could only admire from afar. This year, however, I worked at the summer camp where I had only been able to admire her previously, and she announced, just out of the blue, that I was her boyfriend. She said that we were only going to be boyfriend and girlfriend for the camp season, and only so she could avoid being asked out by a bajillion other boys. But somewhere along the line, she and I became more attached than I could have ever imagined in such a short time, and we can share anything with each other. We're about as close as two friends can get, and I just love it.

Thirdly, I also met another guy who happened to be bi as well, so he and I can relate to each other like you wouldn't believe. He and I became extremely close over the summer, and on one of the very last days of camp, I became so emotional that I wasn't going to get to see hardly any of the amazing people I met at camp, that I literally broke down crying in his arms, and he in mine, and we just had a catharsis together. It was such a great emotional release, and I really needed it.

So, to sum it up, I now have not one, not two, but THREE friends who, in my opinion, are the best anyone could ask for. I feel so blessed.
Haha, I win, I have six of the best friends ever!

For pretty much the exact same reason, too. Understanding different sexualities FTW
:[ Well you two are really lucky for that, I'm extremely scared to even tell my best guy friend. Three friends know, but they're all girls. :P
Maybe I'm just scared to tell him because he's the entire reason I'm bi, the only guy I've liked. >_<

Now to my "fwee": I got two new songs today! :D This is a good thing because I'm running out of good music to find. :P
Well, if he's your true friend, he will understand. And if not, you might not want friends like that. Also, him being the guy you like might make things awkward. Maybe don't tell him that part, if you do tell him.

Bach is good! I suggest Bach.
listening to the broadway version of a little-known musical that a local high school performed that I was in.

I...think we were better! :D

EDIT: Oh yeah and i'm finally getting my cookies.
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Well, if he's your true friend, he will understand. And if not, you might not want friends like that. Also, him being the guy you like might make things awkward. Maybe don't tell him that part, if you do tell him.

Bach is good! I suggest Bach.

1) Noted, thanks. :)
2)Interesting suggestion, I might try it. I listen to the most radom stuff - my top 2 songs are Bad Romance by Lady Gaga and Tourniquet by Evanescence. So honestly all I don't like is rap or country :P

Flora: I am happy you have cookies! So do I! :D
Flora: I am happy you have cookies! So do I! :D

Cookies are fantastic XD

They were actually part of a bet that was elaborately constructed to result in a win-win situation :D

On a semi-related note, I realized that when someone claims that they know something "cause I'm amazing", you should not doubt their word XD
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