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Recent content by Skroy

  1. Skroy

    Oh yeah. X3

    Oh yeah. X3
  2. Skroy

    Oooh, sounds very interesting, although I can't seem to shake off the fact that I've heard of...

    Oooh, sounds very interesting, although I can't seem to shake off the fact that I've heard of this sort of plot a while back... *Ponders*
  3. Skroy

    What sort of RP are you holding anyway? o:

    What sort of RP are you holding anyway? o:
  4. Skroy

    So how've you been? :3c

    So how've you been? :3c
  5. Skroy

    Oh I see. X3

    Oh I see. X3
  6. Skroy


  7. Skroy

    Thanks for the offer, but I do not RP. x3c *Sits and rubs my nonexistent beard*

    Thanks for the offer, but I do not RP. x3c *Sits and rubs my nonexistent beard*
  8. Skroy

    Aww. x3

    Aww. x3
  9. Skroy

    *Points at self* ME? OOH, OOH, DO I WIN SOMETHING? 8D

    *Points at self* ME? OOH, OOH, DO I WIN SOMETHING? 8D
  10. Skroy

    (Ha ha, I could've gone a bit more mature on you and responded with a word starting with E and...

    (Ha ha, I could've gone a bit more mature on you and responded with a word starting with E and ending in -rection. ...You know, elevated direction, right? *Shot x3* XD;; ) School started a little bit ago? Are you insinuating that your school year started sometime this month? O_o And, ahh...
  11. Skroy

    The light bulbs in my room, my ceiling, my Keroro Gunso plushies, my Tony Tony Chopper hat- oh...

    The light bulbs in my room, my ceiling, my Keroro Gunso plushies, my Tony Tony Chopper hat- oh wait, I mean I'm fine fine. How about you? :3
  12. Skroy

    Simple lifestyle I see. x3 Anything eventful happen to you in the past year i.e. since the last...

    Simple lifestyle I see. x3 Anything eventful happen to you in the past year i.e. since the last time we actually conversed? (Which, according to our conversation log, would be March of 2010- if you exclude that one message I sent on March 30, 2011)
  13. Skroy

    I'm fine, thank you. Not much going on in my life at the moment except work at a local grocery...

    I'm fine, thank you. Not much going on in my life at the moment except work at a local grocery store and working on improving my proficiency in the French language. Oh yes, I am also done with college thankfully and am now eligible to enter university! Except I was late in paying the tuition...
  14. Skroy

    I, for one, would like to chat again; I miss having conversations with ya, Nottie. Though where...

    I, for one, would like to chat again; I miss having conversations with ya, Nottie. Though where to begin is the question.... ^^;
  15. Skroy

    How have you been since the last.... 5 months, 11 days, 15 hours, and 26 minutes I last...

    How have you been since the last.... 5 months, 11 days, 15 hours, and 26 minutes I last contacted you? :3
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