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Recent content by storm

  1. storm

    Legends Z-A

    I really enjoyed hisui's wilderness and was hoping for a game set even earlier in another region's past, so I'm not super stoked about z-a's base concepts. but I do love the johto starters and most of the decisions in arceus so I'm sure I'll have a great time!
  2. storm


  3. storm

    I had a really vivid dream about a... gijinka or pokemorph rp happening here and now I'm pretty...

    I had a really vivid dream about a... gijinka or pokemorph rp happening here and now I'm pretty bummed that it wasn't real!
  4. storm

    Is there anyone else still here?

    augh invisionfree... so many roleplay forums with so much stuff lost to time ;; I never archived anything in those days and I majorly regret it I remember you well! it's honestly a delight to see you again. I'm very sorry about your forum, even if its decline sounds like it was pretty inevitable
  5. storm

    Type Change

    clobbopus and grapploct always mess me up on their types! binacle and barbaracle too, which I always somehow confuse as having a fighting type. they should swap imo
  6. storm

    Is there anyone else still here?

    I check in ever so often! and think of old rps and get wistful lmao
  7. storm

    I don't understand sudoku but pokedoku? incredible

    I don't understand sudoku but pokedoku? incredible
  8. storm

    ah yes back to my perennial state of lurking to read mafia threads

    ah yes back to my perennial state of lurking to read mafia threads
  9. storm

    Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

    I managed to avoid all spoilers until I started looking for them (for the starter evolutions, I like to base my choice on the final evolutions). probably not being on twitter anymore helped greatly with not seeing leaks I have a friend coming over for christmas eve who'll be getting violet...
  10. storm

    Twenty Years of TCoD

    twenty years ;; it's been so long!! I have so many fond memories of the activity, of the atmosphere... I remember reading and lurking on all sorts of threads and being deeply impressed by what the community was willing to discuss and debate over. I give a lot of credit for my teenage views to...
  11. storm

    I reminisced this morning about how much this forum opened my eyes as a young teen and now I'm...

    I reminisced this morning about how much this forum opened my eyes as a young teen and now I'm feeling nostalgic...
  12. storm

    The "Fwee" Thread

    very small fwee but I was convinced my teeth were in a terrible state due to not going to a dentist for a long time. I went for an intense appointment at a new and really friendly place yesterday and there are a few small things and an overall situation to work on but!! no immediate bad...
  13. storm

    major eyes emoji... I dearly miss tcodf rps

    major eyes emoji... I dearly miss tcodf rps
  14. storm

    What are you currently feeling nostalgic about?

    there's an ancient and now defunct zelda website that looked so high-effort for late 90's and early 2000's. it had essays and opinion pieces and hosted fanfiction, there were long breakdowns of myths and theories, and a built-in music player that was what singlehandedly got me into the series...
  15. storm

    glad to return to my fun pastime of lurking the mafia threads

    glad to return to my fun pastime of lurking the mafia threads
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