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Legends Z-A


Says "also" and "or something" a lot
We finally get a Pokemon Z version.

We only have the trailer so far

So it's going to be set in Kalos and mega evolution will probably be back. I'm wondering if it'll be set in the past or not. The art style of Lumiose seems too Tron-like for it not to be futuristic? Or maybe Kalos was technologically advanced 3000 years ago before the war and superweapon destroyed everything.

Personally I was hoping that if we'd have another Legends game it would be set in Johto or Hoenn, but that's not to say those are never happening!

EDIT: Apparently the game is set entirely within Lumiose, which is interesting!
I remember them registering the domain for Pokemon Z way back when. Never thought they'd actually use it. Neat.

I'm not sure how to feel about black/white seemingly being skipped over, but I always thought X/Y were lots of fun, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they do here. Fingers crossed for some underrated and underpowered pokes to get mega evolutions.
A new trailer has just came out. Seems like Z-A is gonna be set a bit after X and Y. The starters are Chikorita, Tepig and Totodile. No new Megas have been leaked yet, but it's safe to say that the starters don't get Megas! Like, seriously, Mega Meganium? Yeahhhh.
The battle system seems interesting like it was in Arceus and I expect the world to be a bit more interesting and less ugly than the big empty regions we saw in Hisui, but on the other hand I am not a fan of the art style direction the series is going in.
I really enjoyed hisui's wilderness and was hoping for a game set even earlier in another region's past, so I'm not super stoked about z-a's base concepts. but I do love the johto starters and most of the decisions in arceus so I'm sure I'll have a great time!
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