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  • (Get well soon!)

    Simply just wrap random tags around what you want to be randomized, and everytime you want to add something else to randomize, you need to put the three lines ||| in between the two randomized sprites, or what you choose to be randomized. You can take a look at my signature via my profile to see how I set mine up.
    WOW that is nice. Very colorful! I love how you did it! You're quite talented at spriting. Have you considered making a Sprite Request Thread? I'm sure many people would request when you have such great talent in spriting. :D
    Oh, wow. Those are very nice. Wow. I especially love the Eevee and Pikachu mix! Good luck with the Ho-Oh and Lugia splice! I hope it turns out lovely.
    Oh, I do belive I know what you're talking about now. You click on my profile to reply, right? Well if that's the case, that Pokemon would indeed be a B/W Pokemon, known as Gigaisu. You see, I click 'View Conversation' to reply, so what appears next to my name in View Conversation is my avatar.
    Oh! My avatar, ahahah. Well, the closest one to my name would be the one under the couch, and that would be the Pokemon Haunter...eh, under a couch. Up above it, to the left-hand side of the cobweb is the B/W Pokemon, Hitomoshi.
    Hey you. Just popped in to say that I love your avatar because well. It's Vulpix. Also, your name is pretty fantastic too. 8D
    Ah, so you've decided on the Black Version? I've chosen Black, as well.

    In all honesty, I only use Serebii for quick things like this. I'm not a big Serebii fan for the reasons you have said. It annoys me even more when Serebii makes a mistake in grammar or spelling and doesn't bother to fix it. :/ Honestly, I don't have a reliable Pokemon site to obtain information from: Bulbapedia can be edited by anyone, meaning that the chances are quite high that there will be untrue information. Pokejungle doesn't exactly have any information, just mainly updates and sprites. Pokebeach is quite nice, but I usually just check the homepage, and Pokebeach mainly focuses on the TCG, and I'm not too familiar with Veekun.
    Here we go. :3

    It's called Hitomoshi. Or at least that is it's Japanese name. Hitomoshi is actually quite cute!
    Sadly, no. There is a candle Pokemon, though! It's a Ghost-Type. Sort of fits the 'candles in a haunted house' theme. It's a Gen. 5 Pokemon. Though, I'm not planning on using a Pokemon as my Halloween avatar, hahah.
    Hello, and welcome to TCoD.

    Why, thank you very much! Your avatar is lovely as well. I do adore Vulpix so. Though, I'm planning on changing my avatar for Halloween. Only for a short while, though. It may or may not be an animated avatar.
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