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  • pfft.

    the second day we spent in baltimore. went on an "educational" boat ride, watched a omg baltimore is greatt xd lol stay here stay lol video at the visitor center, and hit dc.
    at dc, we got to see the SMITHSONIAN ZOO and get lost and hold up the entire group so yeah. got to see the pandas, and the baby is as big as his dad. then we went to see the birds for minks because you know how she likes birds and all. spent the rest of our time checking out the birds and then we got lost. got back though, so yeah.
    after that, we went to the white house and saw i think obama come out 8D. the birds there are scary, they fly at you and peck and bite other birds and you.
    after that minks and everyone else went to the capitol, and snapped a few near some sort of pond in front of the building. there was also this statue on the capitol, and minks' little cousin tried to throw rocks at it.
    then we went to the National Museum of Natural History in dc and saw the "hope diamond" which is apparently the largest diamond in the world but looked like it was smaller than a four year old's hand. we got lost there (unsurprisingly) but got out in time. there was this epic dude selling ice water, but he knew how to say "ice water one dollar" in chinese. our tour guide pranked him, saying that the way he said "ice water" was wrong, and tod him it was "口水“ which means "spit" XD
    we stayed at a hotel somewhere in pennyslvania, idk where.

    the first day we spent crusing 'round new jersey, ate lunch in jersey city i think, and went to Princeton University. there were a bunch of store across the street so we went there and all, bought minks a nice percy jackson book, and left before the kids started whining. there was this little boy who kept using the bathroom in the bus so yeah it stunk. we spent the night at quality inn, where i doodled all night (blame the coke) and there were two people arguing at two am and something crashed outside our (locked) door. it was really a god daaamn it i just fell asleep moment, y'know.
    if you get to be an alumni or honor student they give you a room inside the library 8D
    would you by chance want to know what i've been doing and all
    btw happy labor day typh~
    i saw.
    that guy doesn't know when to give up. if kidpixkid comes back....
    *adds MV to nom*

    In the interests of brevity malt vinegar will henceforth be referred to as "MV".

    *adds malt vinegar to white vinegar, water, lunch, and every other noun in that sentence*
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