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  • You know, that FRiends episode where Rachel has to guess Chandler's job in some quiz and she yells A TRANSPONSTER

    Yep. I've had them for three years now and I'm currently waiting for my orthodontist to remove them (which he was supposed to do LAST year. -.-).
    According to my orthodontist, I am one of those rare cases in which I'm one of the 3% of people whose lower teeth are further sticking out compared to the upper teeth.
    And suddenly I'm craving gum for some odd reason. *Sighs* I can't wait to get my braces off.
    And I offended you how? ?o.o?
    Meh. At least eating tomatoes as desert is more normal than eating ice itself as a desert. O_O

    Also, thanks! ^.^ I think I can figure it out if I try. Now to learn how to make Spanish bread...
    I think salsa counts. ?o.o?
    Ooh, I always wanted to learn how to make ice cream. ^w^ (My aunt knows but she's in California and I have no clue what her phone number is).
    I've made a few dishes for my family, pork chops being the only thing I can make taste great. Everything else... it's either too salty, too dry or there's no flavor at all. I'll eventually get better though.
    As for desert, though, I can make rice pudding! What about you?
    Lucky you, I'm only starting to learn how to cook on a stove top. -.-
    I am a master user of the microwave, however.
    Hmm, donuts.... *drools* (To self: Damn, why didn't I get that part time job at Krispy Kreme?)

    Anyway... *thinks up topic*... do you know how to cook?
    Actual proper job m'colleague. Like a full time adult career thing.
    I'm not washing dishes all my life. Fark no.

    Meanwhile I have to bother with crap like choosing jobs and universities and actually doing anything for myself in like just over a year o.o
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